Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

Oof! I got a little electric mower cause our yard isn’t too too big, so having the small electric one works out.

But yeah I could def see that being an issue. I take it when the electric hit it things went haywire and caused it to almost lock up?

Well when you have childish takes then yes.
I mean I am not surprised, complex problems and complex solutions are way out your depth. Like a toddler you think two similar actions must be the same despite the evidence, context and repercussions. And your solutions to complex problems are just as simplistic.

How do we stop murders?

Well by stopping doing murders of course! duh! The solution was there all along! How could no one think of this???

Yeah, because the Wendy’s was unjustifiably destroyed, causing several employees, who did nothing wrong, to lose their jobs and customers to be robbed of a place to eat at. And for what, some career criminal who just happened to have darker skin than the cops, who violently resisted arrest?

Whereas the capitol was “besieged” with what? Cameras? Oh no! Pictures were taken! How horrible!

So the capitol was justifiably besieged? Is that your argument?

If that is the false logic you want to cling to then the “Right” only cares about one thing while ignoring the same on their side.

The problem with the lefty “thing” is that bunch of angry civilians start protesting and few get super excited and start smashing stuff. Even if we assume nobody went there just to smash stuff for fun or for some other intent.

The righty thing though is politicians manufactured an outrage and crime that did not exist to incite a riot THEY ORGANIZED and directed at the capitol.
What is even more sad is that you are repeating the same talking points of individuals who privately were panicking and messaging each other to mitigate this kerfuffle. And they did they utmost best to keep those messages and opinions hidden.

Even despite all this out in the open you still believe their BS.
Its pathetic.

You are literally to stupid to insult…
You are either trolling, or you are purposefully ignoring the point…


English is too hard isn’t it?

You think you have a point… you don’t. What you have is a false equivalency, which is a fallacy.


They were already a cult. That was the day those cult members attacked the Republic.

Where is a modern day General Sherman when you need him? He really knew how to leave a mark on traitors.


I was going to say, it was the day a bunch of right wing radicals comitted treason. But you know, low IQ people still believe the lies trump sells to the uneducated

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Nathanos (He/him) Heterosexual and Sylvanas (She/Her) Bisexual

No more than any other race.

Humans are a great race. And should be equal in LGBT Rep Powa!

They have Shaw his pirate guy. The “rear admiral.” His name escapes me. The Alliance is definitely leading the way in GLBT stuff.

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I’m like the cinemasins guy when it comes to romance and “romance” (wink wink) in my fiction, but I do love it when characters get together behind the scenes and it becomes obvious to everybody with a heartbeat, and even those without, cause they do the googly eye thing or hold hands.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that I wish all romantic subplots lgbt+ or otherwise were introduced that way.

There’s two venthyr dudes in Torghast that you can save, and they never give up on finding eachother despite being in literal hell.
That’s cool.

You didn’t read the other part of my post, did you? Besieged with what? Cameras? Oh yeah, real danger… if you’re a Fatal Frame ghost!

So it was the force of the camera shutters that shattered barriers, windows amd mobs running in the halls with zipties crying for public servants by name?

Lol k.

Its interesting to me that you find Baconators more important than the capitol being beseiged. If you had an ounce of integrity you would admit that if Leftists did this you would have a nervous breakdown.

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And the thread devolved into politics…

What shattering? Cops let them in! Maybe they wouldn’t have, if all those crooked politicans hadn’t egged on those crazy leftist rioters to attack them last summer, or taken away their funds. If those politicans can dish it out, they should learn to take it.

Uhh… leftists HAVE been doing way worse than that, resulting in buildings being destroyed and innocent lives lost! That’s exactly my point! The capitol still stands. Can you say the same for that Wendy’s restaurant? Or countless businesses in Portland or Minneapolis? People like you are always bashing cops, yet you’ll be quick to call them when something happens to you, and cowering in the corner while you wonder why they can’t help you.

I’ll never forget the day we lost that cherished national landmark, some Wendy’s.


There is video evidence to the contrary.
Everything else you say is irrelevant if you don’t concede this point.

I’ll stick with me and my transman husband we’ll have been married 22 years this November.


Even if what you claim is true, the point is that there was little to no damage done to the capitol and no loss of human life in that incident, aside from the cold blooded murder of Ashli Babbit.

Unlike last summer, when countless businesses were burned to the ground and countless innocent lives were lost - most of them black. Do the names David Dorn, Patrick Underwood, or Secoria Turner mean anything to you? Yet those sacks of human garbage have the nerve to say that black lives matter, all the while, they are destroying many black lives themselves! More like, certain black lives matter.