Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

As we can see the camera man with his camera shattered the windows by simply taking pictures from the window. /s

Several police officers died as a result

Maybe she should have listened to the Capitol Police.

One person died of a heart attack. Another died of a stroke. And one of the treasonous insurrectionist criminals was trampled under foot by the rest of the mob.

“Don’t tread on me,” they shouted, as they stampeded over each other.

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A few cops were killed or seriously wounded too I believe.

Nobody should be mourning the death of a insurrectionist. Her death will not be mourned by normal people

Blizz hasn’t shut this down yet?

They moved the thread to the Story Forum after it had a run in GD. I guess that is how they feel about it.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they shut down the Story Forum at some point. A lot of us try to think about the series of events. While Blizzard seems to be adopting the “etch a sketch” method.

The fact that the Story Forum is where they dump the flagged GD threads says a a lot. It shows what they think about the story. As well as this place being the waiting room to hell for GD threads, before they get locked or deleted.

Lol good point and I meant more along the lines of the subject matter it devolved into over time etc.

I’m not agreeing with or disagreeing with the subject matter just pointing out stuff.


I see use these sort of posts to sort through the crazies who post here. So, it’s useful in that regard I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

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That wasn’t my main goal of the thread, but it’s definitely a bonus. Easy to report and ignore.

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lol true

offers the worgen some popcorn

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Accepts Thanks buddy! :wolf:

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Hey yw!

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I don’t care about small businesses. They literally just aren’t as relevant to me as the fact that Donald Trump’s crazed supporters attacked the Capitol building as part of a harebrained scheme to give him a second term that the electorate had already voted NOT to give him!

If you look at the hacked Parler footage on Pro Publica sorted by timestamps it is obvious that the first people who managed to get inside the building did so through broken windows and were not simply allowed in!

Ashli Babbitt should have tried simply not violently accosting members of Congress who were evacuating due to the riot!

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If only the capitol had a Wendy’s. Cassima would be first in line to lend a shield and shoulder to the defense.

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It probably says a lot about WoW as a franchise I couldn’t think of any notable LGBT characters. I had to think hard to even remember Shaw and Flynn.

First of all, since when does the left care about cops - especially white male cops. Second, it was one cop, who died of a stroke on the following day.

By that token, nobody should mourn any of the actual rioters who were shot or run over, while trying to murder people; which Ashli, on the other hand, wasn’t doing.

Maybe you should run for governor or DA of your state then, since they don’t seem to either. Otherwise, they’d be prosecuting those rioters for arson, thievery, and first degree murder.

She wasn’t.

She was climbing through a window that had been broken by one of the terrorists in the mob she was part of, inside a building where she was not allowed to be, to do what exactly? If you look at her social media posts it definitely did seem like she went with the intention of probably killing people! She was a QAnon cultist after all!


Unless the QAnon Shaman used a Waystone to summon her… she totally was.


Part of this is because Warcraft was pretty nerd centric and lets just say a good chunk of said nerd culture seems to have been pretty shall we say “conservative”. Second, Blizzard was always toeing the line of what was acceptable to the US market to the point LGBT+ guilds were at one time banned. The more the US became accepting the more they could too. Lastly, Warcraft and Blizzard games were never relationship heavy. Heck, the Windrunner sisters feel like they just had to have love interests.

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