Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

If couple of young folks with multi-colored hair and people of color rushed at the capitol building. Broke in. Chased through the halls looking for lawmakers as the outnumbered police desperately tried to stop them as they got trampled over the stampede.

You can be sure all the people dismissing the Jan 06 events as political theater would be frothing at the mouth.
A Wendy’s burns to the ground and these people are ready to call for Martial Law, but a capitol and lawmakers besieged? nothing?

Ooooh but what about BLM??? Hilarious.

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It’s truly disturbing. But in a good way, the crazies comes out and shows who they truly are. Makes it easier to identify and promptly ignore/report.

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Out of what orifice did this come out of?

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Weather’s great. Yesterday and today were/are great for working outside. So much so, that I got mild heat exhaustion, and have to stay inside today :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The lack of awareness is truly disturbing…

OH NO be safe with that! I’ve gotten heat stroke before and it isn’t fun at all! Stay safe and hydrated out there!

The insurance companies denied most claims.
Either because of a coverage cap, or the policy just didn’t cover the cause of the damage.
Care to try something else?

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I only meant to stay out to cut the front and back grass. An hour tops. But I kept finding things to do, and 5 hours later… :nauseated_face:

lol it’s like “well while I’m out here might as well do this.” XD I get ya. I stop working outside at 11 and don’t go back out til about 3. I do the inside chores in the meantime.

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Better insurance coverage?
Or a government that is interested in curbing the for profit mentality of the insurance industry?

The grass is too wet in the mornings because of the dew, and I have other duties in the late afternoon. :man_shrugging:

You’re one of the insurrection deniers? Great, not even going to entertain your nonsense

Or or… hear me out on this… we just not #%@&% riot and burn cities to the #$@*% ground?

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Oh I mow it anyway LOL we have dew and it’s like “lawn mower handles it” XD

Then again if it’s in the way it gets ran over… I’ve ran over cups, bags, someone’s shoe that somehow got in our yard, sticks. lol

Great, now Jan 6th has become a cult…

Wow what an important and ground breaking take.

Next you will be telling me you are against murder.
Oh wow.

Grow up kid.

Remember the time where all the normal people got matching red hats for Jan 06 with flags, effigies and stickers? Man i member.

Words cannot describe how obtuse you are being…

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if you could string along more than a couple sentences from that polished smooth surface between your ears maybe you could use words too.

I bent the engine rod one year. I ran over the grounding rod for the electric line… Almost killed the engine too.

LOL!! And you call me a child… :man_facepalming:

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