Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

Maybe it’s blizz subtle way of saying “Johnny Johnny Johnny telling lies!”

Hehe op does spin a lot of stories.


Took awhile for this one to get moved here.


It was known that there was going to be a march on the capitol DAYS before. Extra security and the national guard were offered by trump, you are correct. It was refused.
You would think that after BLM and Antifa storming the capitol before, they would be more willing to accept the extra security… unless it was something they wanted to let happen.

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Those Right wing Republicans broke the windows. I understand Right Wingers love destroyed windows and nights of shattered glass. But most people do not see shattered windows as a peaceful tourist visit.

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But it’s okay for BLM and Antifa to do not only that, but also burn and loot buildings and physically assault innocent people?

Never seen any “right wing republicans” do those things. But I’ve sure seen a lot of them being unprovoked victims of physical assault.


I swear, do people believe their crimes are OK because others escape punishment? Crime is crime.

The Trump Traitor Troopers made the mistake of attacking a Federal building with tons of cameras - and they also posted their crimes on Facebook and Twitter to brag.

Ultimately the difference is getting caught.

Charlottesville. The Right Winger purposefully ran his car into people.

So much for “never.”


You… really haven’t been keeping up with current events… have you?
I mean, we just had nearly 2 years of BLM/Antifa breaking a LOT of windows, and they are far left, not right-wing.
But anyways… A few broke windows, yes. But the majority of those there did not, and used doors, or were ushered in.
There were groups that were violent, but the majority were not.
While I hope those who were violent are prosecuted, I think it’s wrong to call the 6th an insurrection, while completely ignoring an actual attempted insurrection from BLM/Antifa.


So, ’ Trumpers ’ are just really bad at insurrections then… Bringing cameras and not weapons…

I’m not excusing what happened, but that was a panic move caused by being attacked by Antifa. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Oh boy this thread devolved quick.

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Oh no, they brought CAMERAS! That’s SO much worse than molotovs, knives, bricks, and whatever else those ACTUAL RIOTERS used!

Getting caught?!! How about property damage and loss of life - both of which were minimal on that day, whereas the summer rioters caused so much more. And a great deal of those victims were black too - such as David Dorn, Patrick Underwood, and Secoria Turner. So much for black lives mattering.

Yeah, people trying to kill him!

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Can’t disagree with that.

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Yes. Crimes were committed and they should be prosecuted. That is what is happening. Just because other people get away with similar crimes does not mean everyone will. Especially if they brag about it. A lot of the January 6 traitors were turned in because they told anyone who would listen.


Insurrection = a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Those insurrectionists rose against Vice President Pence and the majority of the government because it maintained its authority over Trump’s illegal desires to throw out states he lost. It was violent. And they did delay official government proceedings with their violence.

It fits the definition.

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No, what we have happening is political theater.
No one has been charged with insurrection, most were charged with trespassing and a few with seditious conspiracy.
That is why the left is making such a big deal out of Jan 6th, while ignoring what BLM/Antifa did. No political gain.
But I can tell from your rhetoric that your view of this is completely biased, and you’re not likely to understand.

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And those are crimes. As I said :

So… yes. It is exactly what is happening.

And that statement is unbiased and objective? Please.

The Antifa/BLM Riots seldom happened on Federal Property. They are usually confined to cities and states, and face those justice systems. The January 6 events were entirely on Federal Property. Which is why they are literally making federal cases out of it.


Buildings have insurance people dont!

So that makes it okay to destroy them? Also, I did mention that they were physically assaulting innocent people too.

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There symbols of white supremacy!

Yet several businesses destroyed in those riots were owned by blacks. Again, so much for black lives mattering.

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I can’t believe y’all think a insurrection, with the intent to kill the Vice President and harm members of the government is just find and dandy.

Y’all suck and need help


So uh, how’s the weather?