Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

Like I said, we know who this guy is.


I’m there with ya on that one :stuck_out_tongue: My desktop at home keeps trying to upgrade, and I have to hit it with the No stick every once in a while. I’m not even sure 11 offers much more that I’d need to use

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Yeah, you’re right, as about to respond to Cinder but then saw your reply and decided to delete my reply. In the end, the actual topic isn’t being discussed. However, I do feel that trying to get my view across would maybe change somebody’s perspective. Maybe not Cinder’s as they won’t give me the benefit of the doubt even. But others.

Ok best egg salad.
Cook your pasta however you want.

1 jar salad dressing
1 jar relish
1 dozen boiled eggs
1 decently sized box of noodles

Cook noodles and boiled eggs. Rinse and let cool. Smash up your eggs and mix with relish and salad dressing and pasta.


It’s my worst nightmare come to life.

The pinned buttons that they will not let you remove, the amount of them. No more start in the bottom left corner.

Oh and don’t even try to change default browsers, you have to change it for every type of file extension.

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Did another troll thread get punted over here?


Unfortunately :wolf:

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Oi :cry: I’m not looking forward to the upgrade. One of the few times I’m glad my work computers are all Apple devices lol

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This is one of those threads I saw in GD and figured it would end up either in the story forum or locked.

This is almost like a purgatory. The waiting room to oblivion.

Not trolling,it’s just feedback. Regardless if someone thinks its spamming, they are free to ignore the thread. Developers can see feedback easily on these forums and that’s important for player suggestions!

Care to explain the other alt making similar threads last year with a few letters difference on a burner account?


boil the eggs and chop them up …put in some mayo what’s your favorite mayo? i use Hellmans

Hahaha !0 character

Isn’t it great that pigs can fly!

How many times have you made a thread in regards to GBT or pride?

How many times have you mentioned toys, tabards, or other in game items related to GBT?

How many times have you mentioned in game characters that represent GBT in one way or another?

If the answer is 3 or more over lets say the last 3 months then you covered it and it’s now just spam. If it’s not spam then you are doing it just to troll the forums. At best you are knowingly annoying the very community you are looking to support. That can easily be considered harassment.

Sure people are free to ignore your threads, they also are free to express their feelings about the manner you go about it. There is nothing wrong with people coming in the thread and voicing their opinions, hiding behind a comment like " they are free to ignore " does not make them wrong or you right.


They still haven’t explained their similarly named alt and tactics from last year.


Oh, this got moved to story forum. Hope that’s not the " compromise " blizzard came up with for all these types of threads, not a lot of lore or story up in here. Don’t look like it will get the views like GD does so that’s a plus.


True, although it may pop up in Top or new.

Or their hypocrisy

But we can’t expect much other then deflection.


Or they attempt to pull the bigot card, so far they haven’t pulled that one yet I don’t think.