Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

I think it depends entirely on the mods working that day. Many of these threads were 404’d in the past couple of weeks, but it seems that there are some who show a complete disregard for the community and side with the trolls.

Some of these trolls are clearly violating the CoC, but because some of the mods only seem to read the single reported post on a single thread searching for violations, and not taking all of the continual spam / troll posts of that person into account (along with how the community responds), the trolls get away with it and keep up their very destructive and harmful posts.

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Oh lol!

/ten char

Sometimes I wonder if some of the mods are Anti-LGBT, they know exactly what this cabal is doing and this is their tacit way of supporting them by being maliciously compliant.

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Its a public forum you don’t get to decide who comes and goes.

If attention you seek you get better responses from Twitter and Reddit

Have you thought of e-mailing the company?

If your going to lie about being involved in a product you refuse to purchase your lies will be less obvious and noticeable this way.


I agree, it shouldn’t be like that. It should be they same for all. I have seen so much hypocrisy by the Mod’s.


insert “you’re a human playing a human in a video game” response, usually by a blood elf character.

I have done construction and mill work off and on in my life. The smell of fresh cut wood never gets old.

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I just ignore the extra noise. WoW is pretty limited in its lgbt characters and stories. I’ve provided some feedback to promote more representation and hopefully get fun items added like toys and tabards.

If others don’t like this thread, they should ignore and it not engage in being petty.

I would like to see more gay spiders. According to a google search so you know it’s true: Can spiders be gay?

Many species of insects and spiders engage in homosexual behavior, like courting, mounting, and trying to mate with members of the same sex

We all like toys-even being straight but I"m thinking Blizz ain’t going to add those in.

I think we’d rather keep reporting you for the irreparable damage you’re doing to the community.


Don’t care, it’s all the same in a video game. They all bleed red in the end.

They do need some new characters for story arcs. Like robots or ghosts

Draenei don’t bleed red…

why keep trying to insert politics / gender ideology into a video game lol

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Because they’re a troll and know this will stir up drama and anti-LGBT sentiment.


I always liked the lesbian nightelf couple in Northrend at that camp south of Dalaran (forget the name).

Unfortunately, whenever Blizz puts in gays into wow, it just feels like perfomative allyship.

I hope you’re not saying the T’s are the same person, because they’re most certainly not as stated by blues themselves.

Not all the Ts are obviously the same person, but I wouldn’t trust the blues anyways.

Edit: Some irony with you saying that though Beak.

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Oh, and why is that?

Because you’re a forum troll too?

A more benign one though who sometimes makes me laugh. :heart:

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