Favorite LGBT couples to celebrate pride month?

Do you ever stop with these troll threads…I was gone up north for 6 weeks working on my cabin & I get back & your still up to no good & attempting to fight with everyone who does not agree with your trolling.

What gives you the right to tell him to leave the thread?


Almost no one even talks about the subject of his threads anymore. Every post is basically shut up. Or people just talking about random stuff.

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I didn’t know that, I was gone 6 weeks…I’ll start doing that then.

I like the smell of fresh cut wood in the morning.


I love the smell of fresh cut oak. I like cherry too but oak has a nice smell.

Whichever couple is fine, they all break up or die in the end.

Not true.

Some just separate for a short time and sleep with orcs and dragons.

But they’ll get back together, right? :sob:

I mean, I dunno what the Brittish might do, but we British don’t. Sounds like some local definitely pulled your leg. Do you also put vegemite behind your ears when you visit Australia to ward off drop bears?

Hey forum mods!!! Looks who is back!!!

Das beste :slight_smile:

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British don’t celebrate getting rid of taking care of the unruly colonist? :rofl:

Side note, I told my British friend I make tea in the microwave and she thought I was crazy.

We don’t talk about (our history of colonialism and brutal subjugation of 1/4th of the world leading to the inevitable collapse of our empire, the huge backlash and our consequential dwindling status as we slide further toward irrelevancy on the modern global stage), no no, we don’t talk about july 4th!

Also I’m with your friend, get a stove top kettle!

How do you mute posts?

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It is better to ignore the poster. Most of these kinds of troll threads are created by the same 2-3 people.

Here’s some instructions on how to do that.

How to ignore all posts from a character:

If they don’t have profile hidden:

  1. Click on the character portrait
  2. Click on view activity
  3. Click on “Normal” and change it to “Ignored”

If they are hiding their profile:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right
  2. Click on the person icon on the top right of that sub-menu
  3. Click on Preferences
  4. On the left side, under Notifications, click on Users
  5. Click “+Add…”
  6. Put in their character name and realm and select “Forever” for duration.
  7. Click “Ignore”

Or blizzard could just 404 this like they should have.


This is vary well written. Thanks

Yes, it is. We all know you’re a troll and you don’t own this thread; you can’t tell people to stay or leave.


I don’t think they will.

I’m not positive if OP is a troll or just really passionate about this topic.

I’m not super passionate about it, but I’d love to see more diversity in WoW. No harm in it as long as it’s done naturally and not done in a way to check a box.

But there is no reason to 404 this topic as it fits within the guidelines as it’s a Warcraft discussion.

If OP is a troll, they’ve found a way to troll within the guidelines.

No, they’re a troll with multiple socks. We know this one.


Multiple socks?!?


What? I have multiple socks!

Sock puppets. :stuck_out_tongue: