I’m glad it isn’t just me. When everyone says it’s one of the best sci-fi books of all time and it’s a favorite among many, I get concerned when I have trouble getting into it.
Wheel of Time is fantastic! Currently re-reading. Another great series is The Green Rider, check it out if you’re looking for a great series.
There is a really good self help book called the “The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*CK” Literally spelt that way btw.
I think its a good read to properly help individuals that care about too much to relax and unwind about the stuff that they really shouldn’t care about.
Has anyone read the book? Mark Manson really does an excellent job on his story, and for the first time ever his book really make me chuckle quite a lot.
I prefer the long version too. The television adaptation of it was something like 6hrs, but it wasn’t long enough to do it justice.
It’s good to see this topic again, as it was moved to a different forum on the old boards. A forum which you could not access via the forum selection screen!
I don’t have a single favorite book but I do have a lot of books I really love. For instance: Isaac Asimov’s Foundation novels, and Piers Anthony’s Xanth novels.
I like the Foundation series. So much so that I ended up reading the Robot series and the Empire series because of how he brought all three together. It’s funny that I almost gave up on the first Foundation book because it kept switching stories right as I was getting interested in the current one.
The Sword of Shannara and World Enough and Time are two of my favorites
I am currently reading a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. A tale of the adventures of Dunk and Egg.
‘The Little Prince’ and ‘Don Quixote’ are my two favorite.
I recently found out though that the translation I read of Don Quixote is considered to be one of the worst so I may have to revisit it.
Voltaire - Candide
Honorable mentions:
Shakespeare - Macbeth
Bronte -Wuthering Heights
Hemmingway - For Whom the Bell Tolls
A rather dour list but they are hopeful, relatable tales in theme.
Not a reading list for the faint of heart.
The Once and Future King - T. S. Elliot
Followed closely by anything Tolkein
Really enjoyed Wuthering Heights and Candide. Candide always cracked me up. I should find that and read it again.

I have a weird problem where I barely remember what I read. It doesn’t really stick with me unless I specifically hear the name. As such, I… don’t really know what my favourite book was. I guess when I was a young teen I really liked Heir Apparent? I read it twice in a week. I read the first Game of Thrones book in two days too.
Same. Seems I could damn near recite the audiobooks I listen to but find myself turning back a couple pages every now and then because Im just not tracking what ive read
as in voltaire? I heard a funny story that he and decarte rigged a lottery of sorts in france and made some good money
oh yeah, the house on san michele was cool and the devils advocate i liked
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
Individual book - The Count of Monte Cristo.
Series; Single Author - Nightside Novels by Simon R. Green. (Honorable Mention to the Wayfarer Redemption Series by Sarah Douglass, The Belgariad/Malloreon by David Eddings and The Remaining series by DJ Molles.
Unified World; Multiple Authors - Dragonlance, with special notation of the Kinslayer Wars trilogy as favorite among favorites.
The Silverwing series. It is about a group of bats that go on a heroic journey to save the world from an evil god that plans to bring eternal darkness to the entire planet. It is kinda like Watership Down or Warriors but with Bats.
It made me have some fascination for bats when I was younger.
For me it would be Dragonlance Chronicles. It got me started reading all of Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, and Greyhawk. Also pretty much anything Anne McCaffrey wrote. I discovered so many other great authors through her collaborations with them.