Favorite book?

A few different books here. Classic fantasy? The collected works of Tolkien hands down. Sci-Fi? The Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn. Grand Admiral Thrawn is a truly amazing character and that trilogy is a classic.

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holy cow, someone else who knows what silverwing is! those were some of my fav books growing up too!

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Anything by Brandon Sanderson. One of the greatest world builders of all time.

Most particularly though ‘The Stormlight Archive’.

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Greybeard by Brian W Aldiss
Conan series by Robert E. Howard
The Elric series by Michael Moorcock

Moorcock > Tolkien

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The Earths Children series (Clan of the Cave Bear) by Jean Auel.

Yeah those books are great except for the fact every love scene is 5 to 10 pages and there is an herb for every ailment.

I know it’s looked down upon by most but, Wizard’s First Rule is a book I can read over and over again. For all its flaws there’s little bits of wit and wisdom that always makes me smile.

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Broken Empire trilogy by Mark Lawrence.
Forgotten Realms books.
Conan. The Robert E. Howard books.

I wouldn’t say I would have one favorite book above all others. Its just too hard to pick as most of you can attest.

If I had to pick a series though it would be the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. His other two series: The Codex Alera and Cinderspires Trilogy ((well with only one book out for Cinderspires its good imo)).

Others I would suggest for people are: The Wheel of Time series. Kingkiller Chronicles, the Inheritance Cycle, The Fisherman’s Children and Kingmaker, Kingbreaker, and the Chronicles of Siala.

I do have others as well but that would take a long while.

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I have the book that was released around the wotlk time it is the complete art of the lich king anyone know what its worth

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I Have No Mouth and I must Scream, was one of the best short stories I have ever read. I have read a few of his, my favorite is, Eyes of Dust. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it.

My favorite book, as in all time favorite though is, The Neverending Story. It’s perfect, I truly wished for it to never end.

My 2 favorite series are the jim butcher dresden files and the game of thrones. Dresden files is very well written and pretty funny. Games of throne is just incredibly well written. I can close my eyes and picture every city in my mind!!!


Art of the deal.

God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

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pin-point unbalanced, by connor sumthing and george somerthing.

The Necroscope series by Brian Lumley, vampires aren’t really my thing but his interpretations on the theme are incredibly good.

Non-fiction: Ghost Wars by Steve Coll
Fiction: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
Recent Read: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

The Watcher by Dean Koontz

A song of ice and fire