Why? They posted it on a public forum, they’re not entitled to immunity from criticism. And as pertains to this topic specifically, plenty of people have and are grinding this and similar grinds, and are certainly entitled to rebuke someone whining, or “venting” as you put it. They can knuckle up and get over it.
Shoulders are by far the hardest drop there, I probably saw the other pieces 2-3 (or more) times each in comparison. If I were you I’d go for the rest of it, you’ve done the hard part and it’s an iconic set. I break it out every now and then even though it’s low res compared to newer stuff there’s just something about it.
Odd you farmed that for 6 years before you realized you weren’t having fun.
yeah that like business is strange - that is more than the first posts and highly unusual.
People are allowed to whine, let’s be honest, nothing in this game should ever take this long to obtain.
I stopped the sso farm ages ago. Its just to long of a raid with a few bugs (mostly if you nuke some bosses to fast) and all for a <1% drop for the shoulders and the mount
Untill they put in a skip im skipping it
They’re not entitled to avoiding criticism, of course. Same as people are free to heckle them for complaining about stuff. But just cause you can do something doesn’t mean you always should. People can complain and be mocked for being complained all day long, and they do. I’m not debating that.
I am just saying… A little empathy and not being edgy and sarcastic all the time can do wonders. Grinding sucks, 6 years a of a grind very much sucks, is it really so bad to complain about a grind? Is he insulting people, insulting the people who made the game? I think people who wanna feel clever and call someone out for whining have no idea how much they do in their daily lives.
I have a feeling I could follow peoples threads and activity and bust alot of em for whining about something else. Not all, some do practice as they preach, of course. I’m just giving my two cents. :o
I mean at least let us skip the tower boss and spoils.
Come on Ion . . .
I find SoO to be one of the worst legacy raids to run thru too… There is just something about it I can’t quite put my finger on. I really hate running it for some reason.
The hardest part (since my pally is lvl 70) is getting through that first room… i slways have to look up the mechanics
That doesn’t help for solo runs, there is no rolling, everything is yours.
I mean, I’m having a ton of fun! I quit retail years ago, so the fun is pure nostalgia for me on classic wotlk. Even if I have to run 100 times for something.
LOL /10 cha
That’s the forum boards for you. You know what’s funny? Most people who complain about whiners tend to have whining problems themselves. Which is why they are so radioactive about it.
Whoa, that is a lot of replies.
Is it fun? I don’t know. All I know is that I have been logging in and farming transmog every week, though, I have been playing since 2008. I’ve married, divorced, married again.
I like how the alien skeptics always asking to spoon-feed ‘proof’ or criticise the person to distract form the topic. Doesn’t matter if you believe us or not, the point is that we have been farming for a very long time.
If it changes or not, I will still be a subscriber out of bad habit. Once that other company comes out with their mmo, we will probably main that and warcraft will be our alt game to…farm transmogs
when our wife is sleeping.
I quit farming invincible because after a whole year of farming across 5 or 6 characters, it never dropped so i made peace with ill never get it . Thinking about now , i realized i just dont care about not having it .
I see these farming runs like hunting or fishing. It’s for fun or sport, not to put food on the table. So far I’ve gotten myself a firebird, and a thunderfury. Recently started the dead horse farm, and this week I’ll make a run for these angry shoulders, see how much of a pain it is.
Good luck to everyone btw!
I made a third run and the scorpion mount dropped again. Deleting it felt bad.
This place is cursed.
I have killed Bubbleblood from the time when I had to kill him with a group to being able to kill him by myself and that containment pack has never dropped. I’ll go down there today,kill him and wind up with nothing again.
If you farmed invincible on 5 or 6 characters for a whole year you would have it by now. Invincible is a 1% droprate mount so there are 54 resets in one year. 54 times 6 is 324 lich king kills. It would be a statistical anomoly for you not to have it by that point. Looking at your monk you only killed him 13 times. Keep trying! I promise you will get invincible.
Always remember the week you dont kill arthas could have been the week you got the loot!