Farming shoulders for 6 years

I’m so going to try this….because…what if that really is the secret to getting rare drops more easily? :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

As far as I can tell unless he changed his post…thats not what he was saying? Or are you agreeing with him?

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The shoulders are like mjolnir, you must be deemed worthy


It’s just coming from frustration. I get it, I’m so so SO sick of ICC but I really want that dang horse.

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I think that would be prudent yeah. I’d take it in a heartbeat over getting frustrated at every turn. It actually puts me off mog farming.

If a tree falls in the middle of a forest and no one is around to hear it, did it actually fall?

I’ve thought that for years. I think I used up all my luck getting Mim’s head and the Emerald Drake.

I’ve had the same 385 helmet on my main since the xpac dropped because Blizz just refuses to give me (a) head.

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Personally, Invincible is only cool because of its rarity.

I don’t really desire to fly on another Pegasus mount. I’ll my keep Mim’s head and Emerald Drake, tyvm.

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Meaningful loot is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. It’s true that there needs to be a balance. A carrot on a stick works for so long. Fail endeavors enough times with burnout… some may quit altogether. Give it away and ppl wont engage or quit of boredom

I like the idea of token system for old content. Happy players stick around longer. But you don’t want to just give them everything all at once either.


I would of stopped after the 5th run. And not gone 6 YEARS. No wonder this team kept doing these insane low drop rates on stuff :cold_sweat:

It’s funny because, with the exception of the Scarab Lord mount, Mim’s Head is the only mount I want that I don’t have. I stopped farming it when I realized I’d inevitably get it just to use it twice before shelving it.

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They are actually adding this soon there will be a need, greed, and then a transmog roll.

Well, it took about 900 tries for me, so I wish you the best of luck with it.

For real, like go out and get a rabbits foot, and then go out and hunt a leprechaun, kill it, drain it’s magic blood into its pot of magic gold and then dip the rabbits foot in said blood/gold concoction, and then offer your first born son to a pagan God for it’s blessing.

Because it may save you some sanity… at the cost of your immortal soul, of course, but at least you can then say that Blizz finally caved in and gave you the head you deserved.

I also basically only ever use my Silver Argent Charger on my main as my ground mount, so I know what you mean.

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No worries! As I said, I’m self-aware enough to have made the decision years ago, and I’ve yet to be back, lol. The farm is a waste of time (for myself, as an individual). I love the mount but I’ll never actually use it.

Tbh, I primarily use the Headless Horseman’s Mount, mostly because it’s a small mount that’s semi-rare that flies/grounds.

AKA: I haven’t gone through the full list of my mounts, and this has been the most convenient for X amount of years.

The charger is pretty sick tho, so I don’t blame you there at all :p. Good luck friend!

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Really? Damn. My Pally picked up the Judgment shoulders on my first run.

Of course i dont have any of the rest of the set, but i also havent really farmed for it either.

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they just need a good balance on things. after so many times you should be able to buy what you want no matter what it is. i don’t have it in me no more to waste the time for stuff that just takes some ridiculous amount of time to get. headless horsemen mount invincible few others come to mind and i just flat quit .

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If it wasn’t worth it, you wouldn’t be doing it, now would you?

I was replying basically that I agree sometimes you should just humor someone and let them vent or give your own two cents, rather then having a knee jerk ‘Sucks to suck, stop whining’ reaction alot have to any sort of complaint.

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If you haven’t gotten something after 6 years, you weren’t using enough alts. You need at least 50 characters.