Farming shoulders for 6 years

On this character, yes , but i (like many other players) have alts. Dont talk to me about it not dropping, talk to blizzard . :man_shrugging:

I may go back one day and farm him now that i have a plethera of alts , but i really have no desire to put that kind of time into farming it.

If it’s not tied to a merit based achievement (AOTC, Key Master, Gladiator, etc) drops should have, at minimum, a 1% drop rate. Grinding a completely irrelevant raid or dungeon for a drop that’s purely for aesthetics is not an accomplishment.

The problem with Invincible is that if that is the only reason you’re in ICC, it is a massive pain to actually get it because ICC is chock full of time wasters. Farting around on the airships, watching canned dialogue between Sarufang and his son for the 15th time, watching canned dialogue between Magni and Saru-son for the 15th time, waiting for elevators, putting up with the canned speech with Arthas, waiting for his canned death scene to play out again. It’s obnoxious.

Exactly, it doesn’t provide good gameplay its just a grind measure for the amount of attempt that you’ve available against a RNG factor, the game should provide a bad luck protection or at least a good % drop rate. It should work like legion legendaries drops.

He’s slightly less than 1%. There are a few of them in game, like the Shackled thingy and the green infernal.

But what this means is that you can unlock any transmog on any character so you can run the instance on as many alts as you can to unlock the transmog. Making things just alittle easier to get.

Because it takes forever to get to Garrosh? When things like Skystep potions get taken away from us it makes mog farming that much more annoying.

Time played metrics though.

That’s certainly part of it but for some reason I dislike a lot of the encounters like Spoils of Pandaria and whatnot. I loved everything else about MoP so not sure why I found that particular raid unbearable.

I think you got it wrong, there’s not any change to legacy grinds, transmog is still locked behind your character armor type

Oh dang,500 times you have more dedication than I did running one raid for 14 hrs. :open_mouth:

Generally any legacy encounters that force you to play out mechanics are a drag. Blast Furnace in BRF, etc. But at least BRF has a skip…

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It is like Blizzard has this intention and hatred to do this on purpose. All the stuff you can actually use drops on another alt. We have to farm with 10 alts to get a transmog. What a waste of time. It is not fun anymore but we have invested too much time in it.

I got those shoulders twice off tokens I purchased from the veiled argunite vendor on the Vindicaar.

Theres no other shoulders that look like Xavius shoulders

As far as I know, they are still available off the vendor on the Vindicaar, still random. I believe I got some during Shadowlands.

Yea i gota check it out, i woulda never use them on my rogue but maybe for my DH

Holy necroes.

This would change the game.

Wouldn’t it be great if raids dropped tokens?