Farewell, WoW. It's Been Fun, Abusive, Funny, Abusive, and I'm Gone:


There was a time when blizzard released a new title or game, all of my friends and I couldn’t wait.

We knew it would be am absolute masterpiece. And it was actually.

Games like Starcraft 1-2, Warcraft 1-3 series Diablo 2 were legendary games.

I really enjoyed wow up until wotlk
Actually. I remember waiting on line at 1am at game stop to pick up my copy of TBC.

And it didn’t disappoint.


What a beautiful writing. You’ll be missed my friend. I finally dropped the game for good in Legion when I saw the “design choices” that would kill the game eventually. I discussed with a lot of friends of mine and now more and more people can (finally) see now. The fact that a lot of people bought Shadowlands proves that a lot of people still have faith on this company, but the subs will drop faster then ever. And I’m not sure if we can recover anything at this point.

Legion was actually the turning point. Maybe because in WoD that’s when “eSports/sweaty/trihard” mentality started on the community, and then Legion come out and here we are with Legion 3.0.


I can’t even find the motivation to hit max lvl… although I did experience it in beta. Anyways, gonna be playing starter edition BGs from now on unless I see a very good reason to resub. End Game isn’t for players like me any more, who want to have fun more than they want to work in a video game. I always feel behind no matter how much I play at end game. Not putting up with that BS anymore.


Current events are probably the only reason there wasn’t a mass wave of quitters. There’s just nothing to do but tv or games, especially in states where we have tough winters.


No, but people have probably started looking for options.

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It really saddens me when OPs this intelligent leave the game.


I’ve, ah, had an on and off relationship with WoW in the past. Quit and come back twice.

Something’s different about this time. I don’t feel like I’m giving something up that I enjoy. I feel like I’m dropping a weight on my shoulders. It’s not a matter of: “I enjoy it, but I have to give it up,” it’s: “Thank God those unnecessary chores and second job are out of my life.”


Good post, feel the class balance thing you talked about was mostly repeating the same thing, but Also feel like classes are an improvement from shadowlands but nowhere near as fun as they used to be (see warrior just being “Spam condemn” I do hope they balance the covenants alot better among the classes and overall, But knowing blizzard they will likely ignore feedback as usual (or the usual “we listen but we dont care” aka falling on deaf ears.

I cancelled my own sub for Real life reasons, But the loot itself is leaving me feeling forced to pvp if i want to get upgrades because of the vendors, I can do 10 m+ and do 6/10 of castle nathria bosses and just get downgrades if i get any loot at all.

It’s rather tiresome. So much about the “we want more player agency” etc. Anyways I feel like Classes are boring, endgame activities are draining my will to play (especially the maw, hell 50-60 lvling is manageable in the threads of fate, but that mode needs massive buffs, there still is the issue of heirlooms being a downgrade and utterly useless besides transmog usage.

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No, it was to try, at least, to demonstrate that the burden on turret casters and what they’ve done with current designs from around Legion-onward (random bounces, pulls, interrupts, spell-locks, random spell immunities or reductions) for monsters is just ridiculously favoring melee or mobile casters.

Melee: “Oh no, the boss is doing a knockback. Anyway.” -Proceeds to charge, judgement, or walk back."

Caster: “… He interrupted my spell, broke my rhythm, knocked me out of my rune, wasted my buff timer, and I have to move back to my spot with pin-point precision or I can get kicked for not being in the right position.”

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So, I’m on your server, and I’m also a writer, and a game developer (as mentioned before). I went to bed, had a good night’s sleep, woke up and you are still posting on the WoW forums.

Your post is good. Your attachment, like many of us, to the game is real. Now let it go. Really walk away. Stop checking this post. Move on. Finish your game.

I left in the first two months of Wrath. I was probably about your age. I got into public speaking, and taught myself iOS development, and finally landed my dream gig as a full time author. I work for me.

That happened by finishing the game, by pouring my attention and effort into MY game, not this one. WoW isn’t an addiction for me any more. I came back with legion after years of sickening hard work put me on the map.

Best of luck. I’m about a decade older than you, probably your cousin’s age.


Average parse for average play. Balanced.

Every expansion has worked this way though. Patches are patches. We couldn’t enter ICC day one of Wrath.

I do feel you with the “fall behind” though. I just do what I do and so far it’s been good enough for those I run with.

I wish you luck in the future and may the Earth Mother smile upon you.

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I don’t know what to say, Just like the Venthyr Mini game Ember court, Just not gonna please everyone.

Good luck have fun.

thanks for your blog.


Who that’s a big paragraph

I am sorry for what happened

When quitting puts on a sad note.

Real talk. How did you ever actually love this game when all of your complaints are pretty much just features that have existed in one way or another since 2004…

And that is why casters struggle so badly in high end content.

Looks at logs/ meters. Oh… wait…

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Been playing since 2007 and I remember doing so many things to try and keep up but this expansion feels so bad. mentally I am tired and fustrated by the time I log off cause of trying to keep everything going and keeping it balanced. I just now got my first legendary on my hunter but I sure didn’t feel so epic or outstanding I know it will need to be level up again and cost another time sink I finally recived a 184 trinket from a daily not from a dungeon or raid…
why does my character feel so weak not stronger? I think after I get my 100 faction achivement I will be done. the goals I wanted I made this is the last big push for me unless this company removes it’s own head from it’s backside.

Most of my firends have already quit the game is in this bad of state Raid or Die was not the correct way to go. But when I leave i can take satifaction in knowing that classic made retail look stupid.


Long post is too long

Classic was more raid or die than this…