Farewell, WoW. It's Been Fun, Abusive, Funny, Abusive, and I'm Gone:

But classic was not stuffed with tons of BS EITHER! did you think about that mister know it all?

You are right. And that is why there were so many complaints about lack of content, especially at max level.

Or do you not realize that bgs, arena/ ranked pvp, raiding, keys, pet battles, etc were all added because players were bored?


Everything you say is true. The pains of playing a shadow priest on these fights with next to no mobility.

You forgot totem-twisting as well. Yes aura buffs were HUGE back then, and swapping between them while doing your rotation was essential to maintain maximum dps throughput :wink:

And yeah weap swapping was massive also esp as a warrior for overpower procs…swap to 2h and BOOM just chunk a mob’s HP XD

Yes, the things I remember… I was too young at the time to understand some of it, but I didn’t care, haha. As I got older, I learned how they were killing me.

Classic wasn’t stuffed with anything. It was an empty product outside of raiding and PvP and the PvP was dominated by raid gear. Leveling game in classic was a joke and a massive downgrade from prior MMOs that focused on group grinding.

Real classic, not the approximation. Moment they said it was based on the final patch I mentally checked out: no. “Polished” classic means cutting out the things that made classic amusing or interesting. BC is where actual game content started to exist.

Shadowlands is fine, I like it like I liked Legion. It’s a bit overdesigned, but the game is 16 years old and they have a lot of people to keep happy. I like it a lot more than BFA.

Some people just play too much, you’re burnt out. I say this every expansion to the literal exact same posts I’ve seen since halfway through classic. Everything here is just repeated quotes from years and years past. I’m gettin’ old.


I have 66 hours left and I’m debating if I really want to resub or not anymore. I’ve been here since late BC and I’m just kinda done now I think.

Hate to see another go but don’t disagree with your points. To add to those I hate the feeling of how punishing it can be if your main (I mean your main from BC) isn’t “the meta” and getting into groups and such. I never felt that way in say WoTLK, man you ran Halls of Reflection with what you queued with and made it work. Those were GREAT times!

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Yeah… having Wrath flashbacks there of a friend I had who bought gold.

Unfortunately, he was a vet and had so much wrong with him, he was dying… I last saw him about midway through Wrath.

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Welp… I can tell this is a post from someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about when you said “During TBC, everything became viable - no spec or class was, functionally, broken on a core level.” when Warlocks and Warriors were literally GODs in arena and PvP, not to mention Rogues killing you within literally just the opener, which you had little to react to due to lack of utility back then.

For “turret casters” what are you even complaining about? Warlocks have been on top of PvP for literally over a year straight with how powerful they are and they have only a few mobility options to use, same for Mage which has multiple blinks, invis, Fire running increase, etc.

You’re saying “mandatory grind” for Anima… which is literally ONLY for Cosmetic items, not player power. Nothing about Anima is mandatory. For Legendaries you only need 1 unless you’re doing different types of content and/or want to try another spec/build.

You’re complaining about “loot nerfs” except you fail to mention the fact that you’ve been SPOON-FED LOOT for over two expansions straight which removed the feeling and identity of achievement when you receive a piece of gear, which SL has.

This is an awful post to complain about the game with considering your complaints are all issues that don’t exist, or are issues you cause yourself. :slight_smile:


Whatever you say.


I mean you’re not even refuting my position.

I called you out for your incorrectness since you seem to be misunderstanding the issues you’re talking about but you fail to acknowledge this.

Why even post on the forums if you’re like this?

Because you haven’t seemed to remotely look at the things I’ve done, my feats of strength, etc.

I’ve played a long, long time. TBC - what I mean by that, you could level and play as any spec. Specs weren’t ‘incomplete’. You could tank as a prot pally, feral druid, etc. Shadows were allowed in raids because of the DoT cap increase, and so on.

In fact, did you know it was the prepatch to TBC that allowed Hunter and Warlock pets to scale?


Just because you’ve played a long time does not equate to you knowing and understanding the issues that you’re complaining/are unhappy about.

You said you’re unhappy with “mandatory grinds” but you listed things that aren’t mandatory at all, unless YOU yourself want to pursue collectible items (since that’s all Anima gives you).

I could list the other things you complained about as well if you’d like me to.


Seeing as how the OP has decided not to bother with responding to your post and try to give you a rebuttal, I will.

Ok first of all, the OP was strictly speaking from a PVE prospective when he/she said that. As in people weren’t getting turned down for groups because x class or spec was trash. This was NOT about PVP at all.

Once again, this was about PVE not PVP

Yeah and ALSO for Covenant Sanctuary upgrades so you can do more activities in the various zones and also to open the portal to Oribos, which for MANY people is a MUST since the flightmaster’s whistle is useless in SL :roll_eyes:

That’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it…but you are NOT entitled to forcing that opinion on anyone else. Have you SEEN the massive amount of loot complaints on GD lately??? The OP is not the only one who hates the lowered drop rate by far.

LOL the OP doesn’t GAF about what you think about their farewell/quit post. It was well written, respectful and polite, unlike yourself


First off, I am being respectful. I’m not being intentionally rude or inflammatory towards them in any way shape or form, so you can stop there with that. Just because you simply disagree does not mean I’m “trolling” or “not being polite”.

People didn’t care what spec/class you were because people weren’t the level of elitist they are now, that’s a community issue not a game issue. They cannot force people to not be elitist nowadays.

PvE casters that are turret based are still infinitely more powerful than most other specs/classes and good examples of this are Hunters, Mages, and Warlocks being the champions of PvE all throughout the last few expansions. You can tell this by the level of keys they were pushing and the amount of them in World Firsts… most were “turret casters” because they’re powerful.

Sanctuary upgrades are in no way equivalent to increasing your player power at all, so it’s completely optional content. Nothing is forcing you to “farm” Anima.

You’re being subjective in thinking that seeing X amount of posts complaining about something on the forums = Most players are complaining about it! It must be true! But yet you’re posting on a forum that less than 1% of players use.

Maybe you’ll feel better about it in June…


That’s a game issue though. Around WoD (actually starting probably around WotLK) blizzard turned the game into more eSports and homogenized the classes. Because there were no more uniqueness in classes and specs, no more variation in dps/PvP output, everyone had no choice but to become elitist which drove the rest of the community away.

When all classes and specs are within 10% dps with the same abilities, you’re only unique by trying hard. It creates things like raiderio, simcraft, etc.


It is a community issue, not a game issue. Blizzard cannot control exactly what the masses are doing… which is min-maxing every nook and cranny of the game.

I agree with a lot of your points here - mostly with getting behind on gear, reputation, anima and being gated out of catching up. For instance - the Vault seems cool as a way to fill in the gaps, but it’s actual absolute cancer. It doesn’t even reward based on specialization stats all of the time and sometimes rewards with items you already have (hello PvP gear, specifically). Clearly, Blizzard just doesn’t have great internal quality control on top of not listening to players. I thought with the success of Classic that Shadowlands would be a much better experience. Personally, I’m going to give Blizzard another month, and then I’m done if a lot of things don’t change.

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