You guys have Officially made me Lose my Marbles!

Guess What.

After continuing more of your Harassment within the Forums themselves by mocking me and continuing to share other past posts/threads on here you have pretty much broken the agreement of moving on because seeing as how you yourself have not even moved on from being a childish no life loser like yourself.

Because of that Day of Retribution will happen. So thanks again for proving to me that your much a bully yourself than what I was painted out to be. Also doesn’t help the fact that you yourself are as a hypocrite when you stalk and harass me within the Game itself. Then you made the finally blow that broke off the whole agreement while your still following me in Dalaran by Writing the So Called RP of yourself trying to be the So Called Hero by beating me within the Inn where you just painted yourself as more of a Bully and Jerk than being a True Saint.

Your pretty much everything that is Worst with not just with Human Paladin Males/Females but also rest of the WoW Community in General. Maybe you yourself should get a life and own up to your side of actions.

Get a Life. Jerk.

By the way this also Proves how much of a Bully you are than what I was.

Like I said. Get a Life and quit acting a Saint of the Community. Because your not.