[FanFic] Wallurian's Story of his Depression

Ben didn’t even flinch as the tauren did his thing, feeling as though the same hand of fate that drove himself drove that tauren. Instead, he simply sat down, and sucked down the remaining bits at the bottom of his chocolate milk glass, thinking about how great his allies in the Alliance were.


An elderly paladin walks in, and without preamble, declares, “I have been chosen by the big metal hand in the sky!” He then clears his throat. “That is all.”

And with that, he walks out again.


Galenorn sits there a moment, mouth slightly agape. With a small shake, he recovers his composure.

“This city is absolute madness. One day of leave, and I spend it here.”

Losing a certain sense of pretense, he drains his glass in one go.


By the Mother, another horde intruder!? Exclaims Althera And this one killed him. Nice going Ashadora, you jinxed it.

Ashadora rolls her silver eyes. Yes, well at least this intruder actually did some good, even if I was enjoying that mans babbling. So now we have to wait for the staff to clean that mess before we get our food? Wonderful.

Absolutely not, says Kaileena. The druidess elegantly extends her arm and with the flick of her wrist and a flurry of green magic, roots sprout up from beneath the floorboards to claim the paladin’s mangled corpse, dragging it back beneath the earth. Now how much longer until that waiter comes back, it’s not like we’re still immortal.

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“Conversations like this are a reminder on why I should be grateful we don’t get any lore after Mists.”