Hey, Pesmerga,
I think our guild would be an awesome fit for you. Let me tell you a little bit about us.
No Refunds is a 12/12 H guild pushing mythic progression and currently on the realm Stormrage. We’re highly active and we’re recruiting for our 5 raid teams, looking for mostly DPS and healers.
Currently, our goal is to continue progressing as far as we can into this raid tier and get ready to push in Shadowlands as well.
We are a semi-hardcore guild and value real life over WoW, we’re very vocal on discord and everyone loves to meet new people as we just started raiding with our 5 raid groups a few weeks ago.
Let me tell you a bit about what we need in each group.
No Raid funs - Tuesdays and Wednesdays - LOCKED
Benchwarmers - Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays - 9 pm est to midnight est
They need a Rogue, Fire Mage, Ele Shaman, Havoc Demon Hunter, and an Unholy DK
They got a warlock - Warlock spot filed.
Cumplexity - Thursdays and Fridays 7 pm est to 10 pm est
They need - a Holy Paladin or Mistweaver Monk, a Unholy or Frost DK. Geared or somewhat geared. NOT NEW. NOT under geared. Please.
Misdemeanors - Wednesdays and Thursdays - 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm Server/EST
The group is LOCKED
Group 5 - No name yet. Friday and Saturday evenings - Have two tanks. Have three healers
This group needs a Holy paladin or resto druid, a fire mage, a shadow priest, a balance druid, an ele shaman, frost mage, unholy dk
If this seems like this interests you, please contact me here.
Battletag : Cristian#14424
In game: Peq-Stormrage