False reporting and automated ban

I doubt you will find anyone who doesn’t agree that Blizzard should not have silenced that player or that he should not have been banned when he escalated his verbal attacks.

I doubt you will find anyone here who does not support him being sent to prison, either.

That article did not indicate whether the “initial silence” was a “player driven squelch” or official Blizzard action as a result of multiple reports, though.

If you find it offensive personally then the auto ignore should work for you, and it still is reported to blizz to see if it is just or not.

Ignoring is not reporting.

Make up your mind.

So you want to use it as a weapon instead of its actual use. You want to punish the person, not let blizzard know so they can do something. You are the problem here. You are the toxic authoritarian.

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And I would support your reporting of swearing.

IMO, that report does not need to be tied to an auto squelch system, though.

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There is talk in this thread about using auto ignore instead of auto squelch. I am sorry if you missed that part of the conversation. I think it is a valid method and I would prefer it over the authoritarian abuse of individuals who want to “teach others a lesson”.

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You know perfectly well I was not being literal.

All i can say is the same thing

Why would repeated abusers, or abusers they determine be immune from punishment?

Blizzards own official words mean nothing here?

No one is denying that any system can be abused,lol.

No one is saying no one would ever abuse any system, you are making that up yourself.

Repeated abusers undoubtedly would be more likely , and those who Blizzard determines abused it, as from Blizzards own official words.

But I guess “If I don’t see it , it doesn’t happen” is how you operate, even when you already know that most people are not going to come forward if they get punished for this.

Yay! No one is denying that,lol.

So I ask you again Why would repeated abusers, or abusers they determine be immune from punishment?

IMO, that report does not need to be tied to an auto squelch system, though.

So we report it, ignore it…but they person keeps on swearing and making foul jokes in Trade because he hasnt been squelched

Tell me whats wrong with that

I think it is a valid method and I would prefer it over the authoritarian abuse of individuals who want to “teach others a lesson”.

Theres a good way not to be squelched.

Dont swear.

You will not see it. Others would have the same opportunity to ignore him as well. Or report auto ignore. Why do you assume you need to police the community? Just do what you feel is right for you and let others do what is right for them.


Maybe because proving that abuse in a subjective system is seldom a case of black and white?

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You could just ignore him as well. Other people do not need you to speak for them. They are capable of ignoring as well, or reporting.

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You will not see it. Others would have the same opportunity to ignore him as well. Or report auto ignore. Why do you assume you need to police the community?

Isnt that what you refer to with “blacklists”, “name and shame” etc?

"Policing the community?

This is getting beyond ridiculous.

Im out.

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well maybe, but that does not mean they never get punished either. But I think we are in agreement, I support no squelch, though I would love to get clarification from someone who has been squelched if they also got DCd.

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You are right, its absurd that blizzard would give individuals the power to squelch others at their own convenience. Its ridiculous to not use ignore if you find someone toxic. Its a power trip to use the power of squelch at your convenience whether its warranted or not. If you report something it will be investigated. It might not be instant but it will. You just will not get the rush of providing the punishment. You will not get the power to be judge and executioner.

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Do o I really need to explain the difference in a clearly written policy as opposed to a prepared PR statement or the difference in a statement and ones actions?
I would but I’m tired and how about you do some research you clearly have some gaps to fill in.

Yes and it’s that lil sqeaky wheel of yours going round and round.

See first reply. You obviously do not grasp the differences in statements and policies.

I don’t accuse you of anything. There is actual proof of your guilt. It is not an accusation. It’s a fact and it’s written in this forum.
Again. Learn the difference.

Nope just another logic bomb blowing up what you think is a well thought out reply but us in fact you trying to once again misrepresent. Typical Ratsy.

Well. You got one thing right Padre gonna leave ya with some RP. As far as my music tastes go? Ha. You don’t know good music.

Padre mounts his hawg and with an ear splitting rumble flames erupt from the tailpipes scorching Fez’s leg causing him to do a hilarious version of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Padre peels out. Off into the sunset he rides seeking the next opponents of The Pwn.

hypothetically, let’s say that Blizzard tied the right click report to an auto ignore and a player’s account being “flagged” for review ASAP if the same target report number that triggers the auto squelch in retail is reached.

If enough people find that swearing and those foul jokes to be unacceptable, then there would be enough reports to trigger a flag on that players account to review those reports ASAP and Blizzard would step in and take the appropriate action, would they not?

Your insistence that you be given the power to punish any other player for any slight you feel they made reminds me of Gomer Pyle in the old Andy Griffith Show episode “Citizen’s Arrest”.


Called it.

Off topic, I’m surprised that with your past musical selections, you actually found a good one this time. IMO, that was the best track from that movie, although there were two others that I would put not far behind.

Couple of things, first it isn’t hypothetical, a temp ignore is tied to the report system, and second, nice reference on the Andy Griffith Show.

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So you do know the difference. You’re just…yea. You know the difference.

Yea. OT. That was the best one. That movie was better than all of the bayformers.
Optimus dying scarred me as a child. Lol

Clearly yes. If they do it’s why we have ignore.