Or the perception could be “This person is level 60, I’m level 26… He’s barely hitting me at all and I’m almost winning… Oh, there now he kills me.” It would feel more like they are trolling you making you feel like you have a chance when in reality you don’t.
If you are flagged for PvP on a PvE realm that is 100% on the player. For some reason Blizzard does have it in the PvE realm rules that camping is against the rules.
People turn on warmode to gank and get extra rewards but when they get ganked they complain to get the people who killed them suspended. Its unbelievable how people manipulate the system.
I look to only kill level 60s. Only time I kill a lowbie is if they attacked a horde player. Even then I dont camp them. They usually just behave until I leave.
One possible scenario that sure “making a fight of it” would seem more of a slap in the face.
Such a large difference in levels is also on the end of the spectrum that a lot of players feel is pretty high on the dbag meter.
Probably short of paying them money, performing “favors” or some other outlandish way of saying “I’m really not a dbag and I’m trying to make up for this dbag move i just did to you”.
No it won’t have much effect.
So just like pvp. Very situational.
Should i add a disclaimer?
** Warning this tactic is very situational and is in no way guranteed to work for every situation and relies on many variables to work. e.g.May not work for high levels ganking lowbies.
Use at own discretion. Manufacturer is not responsible for any issues that may arise using said tactic.
Pwninc. LLC. All rights reserved.
Use at your own risk!**
Is that enough bubble wrap so people dont hurt themselves? Lol
Oh no, people can’t just say racist stuff in chat anymore, whatever shall we do!
Don’t blame the system?
It’s guilty until proven innocent at its core dude. The system is a bad one.
Assuming they implement this horrible system, the only saving grace would be punishment via ban for those that false report. And not a slap on the wrist type ban.
They’ve never been able to. Hell back in vanilla you reported people for language (even a curse word) and a GM reviewed the log and took the appropriate action. I know this first hand.
The huge problem is that people will take this feature and use it to their advantage in game by false reporting. At this point there is no punishment for false reporting.
The automated report system and auto-squelch is fine. Please find another dead horse to beat.
Yep. You win.
Herein lies the problem though. If people are abusing as being portrayed is blizz banning people abusing it?
Do they even care?
People abusing a system doesn’t make the system bad.
However loopholes or not following through with what the system was designed to prevent is nothing more than negligence.
So which is it?
Is blizz seeking out abusers and punishing them or is this problem being blown out of proportion?
We need a lot more info.
The authoritarian auto-censorship is one of the big reasons I quit the game. Sucky game play changes I can tolerate if I still have a little fun, but WoW has been infected with this PC BS.
I got chat banned for saying “I think Trump has been ok so far” I was unable to talk/group/etc. in impacted game play. If an actual authority (GM) had read the reports, even if they didn’t like Trump, they knew it wasn’t a ban-worthy offense. I could of said “I think X president is ok/bad so far” in vanilla and not have to worry about that. I’m sorry but an opinion you don’t like is not a form of harassment.
I fear classic will be the 2-month flop nay-sayers have always scremed, but not because people dislike the gameplay, but because of stuff like this.
EDIT: Wow I went to post this and apparently it was too offensive because it contained a bad word. A word that is allowed in PG-13 stuff (Isn’t this game T?) So I had to censor it. Pathetic.
Oh look, it’s a pro-changer (who was probably part of the wall of no) riding to the rescue of an anti-vanilla change. What a shock!!!
This. If they insist on off-loading GM duties to bots the very least that needs to happen is those abusing the bots getting publicly name shamed and ban hammered. None of this background 24 hour nonsense; public lists and significant bans so people see it happening and are discouraged from doing the same.
Padre stares knowingly at Fallana
Actually, for the most part I am no-changes. But, call me a pro-changer if it makes you think your argument is any better. I’ll simply flag you for harassment for attacking me instead of countering my argument.
Happily agree with you. Abusers of the system should be dealt with harshly.
As should anyone that talks about religion or politics in a public channel (any side of the debates.)
I think you are proving his point. “I’ll flag you for harassment” because you didn’t like what he had to say. Or are you really that fragile that you believe that was harassment?
He attacked me personally, doing nothing to counter my argument. It was targeted harassment.
In the words of Obi-Wan from Episode 3 “Well then you are lost!”
You just committed harassment as well.
The salt is real.