False reporting and automated ban

Yes, I agree to use the Forums. However, I haven’t broken any CoC, aside from possibly offending those that don’t like my more existence, I cannot help that.[quote=“Padrepwn-kiljaeden, post:254, topic:89166”]
No that specifically is not against the CoC.
However Johnny hitting the latest political nerve can be viewed by others as trolling.
Trolling is mentioned in the CoC.
Mentioned but not clarified, which you showed me, later on, to which I will address, later.

Again, I believe in “Innocent until proven Guilty”. I do not know you, plus I assume every example given is hypothetical. I’m fully aware we’re just having a conversation.

And I agree with your statement, however your shock and amazement of my unbias assumption about you is proof, that people are quick to make assumptions over statements such as “build the wall”. Are we not assuming that they are trolling? We have no proof, either way. Therein, lies my problem. We (including myself) assume a lot therefore make incorrect decisions and punish those that don’t deserve it.[quote=“Padrepwn-kiljaeden, post:254, topic:89166”]
Agree to the first part.
The part about abusing the system though in itself is subjective at this point.

We can’t say why people flag a post or call the cops on you because you swerved a few times.
I see blizz as being lacking in communication here. I know big surprise.
This system has been in place for how long?
This system boiled down to cost savings and efficiency.

If blizz employees are spending most of their time unflagging innocently flagged people that is a problem to the cost savings.
In the grand scheme of the bottom line? That would be addressed.
Companies don’t spend money on customers who abuse CS.

Or I could be completely wrong and it’s being abused but blizz is afraid to action anyone for fear of having to ban their paying customers and they need the money. /goldfoilhat :slight_smile:
You’re right. As I stated earlier, we (myself included) can’t be sure 'cause all we have are assumptions. I wouldn’t be surprised about the last part xD[quote=“Padrepwn-kiljaeden, post:254, topic:89166”]
Trolling is widely regarded as:

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain. Both the noun and the verb form of “troll” is associated with In…
Again, that’s an interpretation, not necessarily Blizz’s stance on what “Trolling” is. Therefore, we make it up, as we go along.

It’s not up to Blizz, but their customers, who by and large squelch the wrong individuals, like myself because I believe in objective truth over subjective “truth” -_-

Hence, my problem 'cause it’s automated and not properly reviewed.

Also, let’s toss out that guy being a “troll” 'cause it’s a distraction to the real story. He incited violence which is against the LAW. Being a Troll isn’t against the law but inciting violence is. That’s why he got in trouble, duh!

Also, I love you, you’re sarcasm is hilarious. Likewise, I’m similar.

Alas, it’s still not really defined. Also, I’ll be replying late. I’m bored, at work :frowning:

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As soon as blizzard posts clear cut rules sure.

They already have

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Obviously the GM reviewed it and said… NAH, it’s perfectly ok, because the GM was not easily offended.’’

Or action was taken and you didnt know…because you are never informed of a GMs actions.

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That too, could have been so; he’s got no way to know if the GM never responded too him.

The few times I contacted a GM they were very cool and helpful. I never felt like I had to wait an unreasonable time for response of some kind.

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The rules are clear, laid out, easy to follow and plain as day for anyone who pays attention.

I dont see why anyone can say otherwise.

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Your optimism that GMs reviewed and actually evaluated every report restores my faith in humanity. Sadly that just wasn’t the way it worked.

Whatever action was taken was clearly ineffective though.

Ineffective in your eyes; and again a prime example of why mob rule is horrible.


/shrug or maybe /anal was never as popular as you thought it was.

Lol the forum edited that in a weird way and it worked out better.

The problem is that the right click report needs no rule violation. The right click report doesn’t even require that the reported person was even using chat.

Let’s say that Johnny is squelched for hours (or possibly even days) and upon review of the reports Blizzard finds the squelch was unwarranted. Blizzard overturns the squelch, but Johnny has already been falsely punished for no reason.

I know that at least one proponent of the right click report function will say that Johnny was not “punished”. He was merely given a mob induced “time out”. What did Johnny do to warrant that time out, though? Blizzard overturned the squelch, so obviously Johnny did nothing to warrant that time out.

What happens to those that falsely reported Johnny?

How does Blizzard prove that Timmy abused the system and reported Johnny falsely?

How do you prove that Timmy abused the system and reported you falsely?

With all the subjectivity that goes into those right click reports, how does anyone prove that Timmy deliberately abused the right click report system and that Timmy did not honestly think that what Johnny did was worthy of a report?


Ineffective in your eyes; and again a prime example of why mob rule is horrible.

The squelch has been here for years, long pre BFA. It is staying. “I only want a GM to look at it before action is taken”


You will abide by the same rules as the rest of the game. You will abide by the rules laid down when you clicked “I accept”. You agreed to those terms.

Classic will not have a separate ruleset to everyone else, you will not be able to name and shame, smear people, conduct witch hunts, or engage in conversation that will get you silenced.

You will exercise good sense, common sense, restraint, self control and a modicum of self discipline. All it actually takes is for you to do nothing.

if someone else is carrying on in Trade, just dont join in.

“But this isnt what it was like in Classic”

Tough. All you are saying is that you got away with it then, so why cant you do it now.

Answer: You mistook no perceived action with “I can do this all I like”. Now , what you do has consequences. So, really, all you need do is think, then type.

I dont see a problem here.


Ill make this blunt.

Blizzards games, Blizzards rules, you agreed to them. When you clicked “I accept” you agreed to follow what they deem necessary.

There will not be a different ruleset for Classic…the reasons why are self evident.

So…you have a choice.

Accept and abide by what you agreed to…or leave.

Your call.

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Where did I ever say that the rules should be changed? where did I ever say anything about the rules other than to point out that even a person who broke no rules can be right click reported.

I’m not arguing that the rules should be changed.

I agree that the rules should be enforced. IMO, they should be enforced ONLY BY BLIZZARD and NO punishment (including a squelch) be applied until a GM has reviewed the reports, though.

I disagree that players should have to power to squelch another player.

I fully support a right click report system that includes an auto-ignore, but does NOT include an auto-squelch.


You seem to not fully understand how the squelch works, it is not a silence.

It merely prevents someone from talking in public channels. If you get squelched you can still do things like talk in guild, talk to friends, talk to people in party etc… you just can’t inflict yourself on random people.


Thats a different ruleset to Live.

Not happening.

I fully support a right click report system that includes an auto-ignore, but does NOT include an auto-squelch.

Too bad. The same rules and same systems will apply overall. What you “support” is irrelevant.

You agreed to that when you clicked “I accept”.

You agreed to abide by it.

I’m not arguing that the rules should be changed.

Yes you are.

You want one rule for live and another for Classic.



No, it is not a different ruleset from live anymore than players having 31 point talent trees is a different ruleset from live.

If you are going to claim that the talent tree is a system or mechanic, the right click report is ALSO a system or mechanic.

No, it is not a different ruleset from live anymore than players having 31 point talent trees is a different ruleset from live.

Squelch is part of rules for live, squelch is part of rules for Classic.

If you are going to claim that the talent tree is a system or mechanic, the right click report is ALSO a system or mechanic.


A talent tree is a gameplay mechanic.

The rules for chat are part of the terms of use you agreed to.

One of these is not the other.


Is there a reason why you seem so insistent that you have the option to collude with your friends and guild mates to squelch another player who never even broke any rules?

You can claim that you would never do that, but with an auto squelch system you would have the option to do so. Therefore, by insisting that auto squelch be used in classic, you are insistent upon having the option to collude with your friends and guild mates to squelch a player who broke no rules.

I’ll ask again, is there a reason why you seem so insistent that you have the option to collude with your friends and guild mates to squelch another player who never even broke any rules?

Is using mouse a system or a mechanic?

I don’t believe, it says anywhere, that we agree to be unjustly squelched :confused:

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