Yes, I agree to use the Forums. However, I haven’t broken any CoC, aside from possibly offending those that don’t like my more existence, I cannot help that.[quote=“Padrepwn-kiljaeden, post:254, topic:89166”]
No that specifically is not against the CoC.
However Johnny hitting the latest political nerve can be viewed by others as trolling.
Trolling is mentioned in the CoC.
Mentioned but not clarified, which you showed me, later on, to which I will address, later.
Again, I believe in “Innocent until proven Guilty”. I do not know you, plus I assume every example given is hypothetical. I’m fully aware we’re just having a conversation.
And I agree with your statement, however your shock and amazement of my unbias assumption about you is proof, that people are quick to make assumptions over statements such as “build the wall”. Are we not assuming that they are trolling? We have no proof, either way. Therein, lies my problem. We (including myself) assume a lot therefore make incorrect decisions and punish those that don’t deserve it.[quote=“Padrepwn-kiljaeden, post:254, topic:89166”]
Agree to the first part.
The part about abusing the system though in itself is subjective at this point.
We can’t say why people flag a post or call the cops on you because you swerved a few times.
I see blizz as being lacking in communication here. I know big surprise.
This system has been in place for how long?
This system boiled down to cost savings and efficiency.
If blizz employees are spending most of their time unflagging innocently flagged people that is a problem to the cost savings.
In the grand scheme of the bottom line? That would be addressed.
Companies don’t spend money on customers who abuse CS.
Or I could be completely wrong and it’s being abused but blizz is afraid to action anyone for fear of having to ban their paying customers and they need the money. /goldfoilhat
You’re right. As I stated earlier, we (myself included) can’t be sure 'cause all we have are assumptions. I wouldn’t be surprised about the last part xD[quote=“Padrepwn-kiljaeden, post:254, topic:89166”]
Trolling is widely regarded as:
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain. Both the noun and the verb form of “troll” is associated with In…
Again, that’s an interpretation, not necessarily Blizz’s stance on what “Trolling” is. Therefore, we make it up, as we go along.
It’s not up to Blizz, but their customers, who by and large squelch the wrong individuals, like myself because I believe in objective truth over subjective “truth” -_-
Hence, my problem 'cause it’s automated and not properly reviewed.
Also, let’s toss out that guy being a “troll” 'cause it’s a distraction to the real story. He incited violence which is against the LAW. Being a Troll isn’t against the law but inciting violence is. That’s why he got in trouble, duh!
Also, I love you, you’re sarcasm is hilarious. Likewise, I’m similar.
Alas, it’s still not really defined. Also, I’ll be replying late. I’m bored, at work