False reporting and automated ban

Only for people who want to troll in public chat channels :slight_smile:

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You really don’t want the original experience, I get it Ziryus you explained that numerous times when you clearly articulated why Blizzard should not give us Classic WoW.

You clrearly articulated that when you posted the wall of no.

You clearly articulated that when you promote various changes and additions and re-designs to the game overall.

We get it, you don’t really want Classic WoW you want something different.

You would be better served promoting that ideal game that you want; I am guessing its something a lot more like TBC than Classic given your past statements.


The vanilla experience is impossible because blizzard hasn’t invented a flux capacitor and won’t be sending MIB dudes with flashy things to my house.

As such I don’t care so much about the past vanilla experience as what the classic future experience will be.

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and witch hunts are only bad for people who are actually witches.

While I get why people are wary about certain topics, I also get why people are wary about mob rule.

Mob rule isn’t a case of “you have nothing to worry about so long as you don’t troll”. The mob can easily turn against people who didn’t do anything wrong, and while Blizzard might come along later and absolve you of it you were still punished by the auto-squelch system.


I agree but in some cases people do need to understand that there are limits to what you can say without consequences.

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You’re an authoritarian and a very selfish person. You don’t care about a true to spirit re-release of Classic WoW, its obvious now that all you care about is you.

Thank you for clearing that up for us all. We now know your true colors with out a doubt.

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How so? I don’t care what other people do or think, I do care how it impacts me personally though.

If enough other people agree with my opinion that some was being a dbag in public chat and they get squelched how is that authoritarian?

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Yes and that was part of the old system which wasn’t ruled by a mob and an automated system.

Though the whole “If you aren’t breaking the rules you have nothing to worry about” almost always is missing the point, which is the potential for abuse against people who didn’t do anything wrong.


And that limit should be determined by Blizzard, in the person of their official GMs who are (at least in theory) given guidelines by the company on what is/isn’t allowed, not the server mafia. Thank you for finally seeing the light…


Confirmed selfishness.

Mob rule is a terrible thing Ziryus because the mob can easily be manipulated.

Very few people in history have actually wanted war or to go to war, but the leaders of the nation can easily manipulate them into doing their bidding; there are numerous mechanisms in place that can be used to achieve these ends.

The same mechanisms that can be used to abuse people into doing the bidding of someone that can easily turn trade chat against some one, and quickly.

I know you don’t believe it, but this is because you’re not a student of history and you only care about you.

I know you don’t believe me, but tell that to the Germans. They were manipulated by their political leaders in the 1930’s, and that did not go well for any one.

A certain man once said…

" Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship."

This Ziryus is true in both the real world and in World of WarCraft. There are always leaders and followers. This is the natural order of things, and it will always be so because its the organic nature of the human condition.


Don’t get me wrong i think right click reporting was a lazy way to not have GM’s enforce chat rules.

But it’s better than nothing which is what we had before and people would blatantly violate chat rules with no consequence.

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I’m sure multi-boxers could get anyone they wished banned if they wanted.


No such thing

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That only happened if people decided not to report them, which can still happen.


People did report things all the time that were violations, nothing was done about it.

Obviously the GM reviewed it and said… NAH, it’s perfectly ok, because the GM was not easily offended.

This is why you cant have mob rule Ziryus, because easily offended people cannot ever be in charge of anything.


Likely because the GM deemed it was either not a violation, or they were punished and you were just not informed. GMs are not allowed to inform the reporter if they punished who was reported.


Or no GM reviewed it because it was so low priority and nothing was done about it.

Ziryus they reviewed it… It just did not rate a ban or silence. I know that is not what you want to hear but its the truth.

I think I reported a hand full of times in Classic WoW, maybe half were for obvious cheating like lag hacking and botting, I always got a response from a GM and there were a couple occasions where I reported chat spamming. Also got a response.

And you know what? It got dealt with Ziryus, the GM’s did their jobs. Consider perhaps the stuff you report just is not worthy of a ban when a real human GM reviews it.


Do you not now how to use the “ignore” function so that it won’t “impact you personally”?

Is your “ignore” function broken?