False reporting and automated ban


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So unfortunate and true. This is precisely why I no longer write in a way that’s full of detail, because almost no one will bother reading.

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They really don’t.

Except Padre and me, this far ;p


s, I would absolutely encourage everyone here to right-click report people like Ziryus, Fallanaa, Aehl, Galdor, etc. for trolling

Go right ahead. Youll get in trouble for false reports.


Not necessarily.

All they really need is a “valid reason” to submit those reports and Blizzard would would be hard pressed to prove that those reports were not submitted in good faith based on the reporter’s personal beliefs.

A “valid reason” could include, but not be limited to, things such as" “spamming” if they post a similar, or the same, message more than once every 5 minutes, using a word that might very loosely qualify as “foul language” in the eyes of some players, etc.

After all, have some of those who insist upon having the option to conspire to squelch any other player at any time for every little slight they think they had to suffer not claimed that “valid reports” mean there was “no abuse”? Have they not claimed that the system cannot be abused if the reports are for “valid reasons”?

Even if Blizzard overturns the squelch, the squelched player will already have been punished and proving abuse in order to take action against those who reported that player is difficult, at best, when those reporting players used “valid reasons” for reporting.

Do you now see how easy it will be for Johnny and his cronies to abuse and exploit that system?


[All they really need is a “valid reason” to submit those reports and Blizzard would would be hard pressed to prove that those reports were not submitted in good faith based on the reporter’s personal beliefs.

Ive already discussed this with someone. You are wrong.

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The squelch will not be an issue. It hasn’t been in an issue for the many years it’s been in use and it won’t be an issue in Classic WoW.

Johnny and his few cronies will get what’s coming to them if they abuse the system.


Discussed with whom?

Did you discuss it with Blizzard? Can you provide a transcript of that conversation so that we can all see Blizzard having made a definitive statement?

Or, did you discuss it with your “cousin” who happens to have the same opinion that you do and who’s opinion means nothing?


All in all I don’t see a reason apart from botting/cheating and exploiting why some one should be reported. It is a mmo, a social playground where people are going to mess with u. How people deal with this should be no different than how we deal with things in real life. Confront it or walk away from it, simple as that.


Only if Blizzard can prove that Johnny and his cronies actually abused the system and did not submit those reports in good faith.

Not your concern and none of your business. Im done talking to you. Tried to be reasonable, you arent interested.

To use a phrase from a recent film?


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I guess pointing that unless your discussion was with Blizzard, it means nothing was too much?


It was a private conversation. You can guess until the sun goes dark as to who it was.

The end.

Blizzard doesnt have to prove a single thing to you.

Accept it or not. Play or not, its your call. No one owes you anything.

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A private conversation that in all likelihood means nothing.

Blizzard does not have to prove anything to me, but how likely will Blizzard be to take action against a player for submitting “false reports” if they cannot prove that that those reports were falsely submitted?

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A private conversation that in all likelihood means nothing.

Means a great deal, no there is no transcript and even if there were…its still none of your business.

Hence the word:


Blizzard does not have to prove anything to me, but how likely will Blizzard be to take action against a player for submitting “false reports” if they cannot prove that that those reports were falsely submitted?**

Send in a ticket and ask

Or it’s just a claim that you cannot or will not substantiate,

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Keep it ontopic please, u can always go on discord if u want to get into a relationship.