Failure again

PvP gear being locked/gated behind rating. As well as PvE gear still being top dog (mythic raiding). Blizzard admitted PvE and PvP were distinctively different yet still progress the system with needing to do PvE. It’s not hard to make PvP gear that follows the system of WoD or MoP.

Dear Activision, please usurp the fool Lead Design of World of Warcraft named Ion. WoD was the last expansion I had fun in. Ever since the failure of a sorry excuse for a “leader” stepped up, this game has been trash. Legion was TRASH, BFA was TRASH.

Dear Activision, you will not recieve a single cent more of my money through this company regardless of any craze they create. Remove the trash leader and I will play again and continue to keep currency going into your pockets.


This isn’t new.
In fact some of this games (if not all) of the best PVP seasons, expansions used this very system.


The difference in item level is pretty negligible, then again I never really had an issue when gear was locked behind rating :woman_shrugging:

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This is a problem that most players do not like to acknowledge, even in BC when this first came out it was a huge concern lucky you only needing 1500 rating to get arena points so this was not a big of a deal back then. As time went by it slowly got harder and harder to get Pvp gear. Thanks to the gear being locked behind arena’s you are stuck always having to play meta to get any rewards. The pvp community is divided into a two groups right now. The hard core arena players who will always pick their class around the meta and the casual players who do BG’s as a pastime for the enjoy of playing the game which by far is the larger group. It is odd to see how blizzard has tried to “balance” the game for the hard core only to hurt the wider player base. Remember when warrior had second wind making them unkillable if you did not have CD’s up in Mop or in WoD when cat druid were gods? The only place those two things were some what balanced was in arenas outside of that the game was broken trash. Blizz needs to work on the game but not for the hard core, the hard core will always bend themselves around the game to play meta. Now this does not mean blizz should feed us gear but not gating the gear behind a wall of meta for pvp and the job it is to be a mythic raider.


It just sucks that reaveal all the way til now and PvP is only just getting addressed. Like ummm there is only a month of addressing PvP? I really want Ion gone. Game has been absolute trash ever since he took charge.


You just need to do the bare minimum and get a rating up over 1600 and then just do 1 win a week. It does make it uninteresting though in that the rewards are terrible.

Dude it’s 1600.
You can literally get 1600 while wearing a blindfold.
Stop expecting top gear for literal bottom-of-the-barrel content effort.

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I want equal footed ilvl. Not top gear like some PvE lord. I hate this game so much and everything it has become.


And you can get it.
Strap a blindfold over your eyes, faceroll on your keyboard, and BOOM you got 1600. Grats on your heroic gear.

Seriously. People act like we’re saying to get 2700 or something.


They started in WOD or Legion, BFA? and do not understand the ways?

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I just got a 3 day banned for mentioning his name xd he does not like to be called out. :face_with_head_bandage:


The man who shouldn’t be named ?

Ionmort :scream:

The lead developer.

Yes I know ., just using a Harry Potter reference

I never seen the movie sorry.

I never saw all the movies either … they sucked .

The books were pretty awesome or it seemed awesome 20 years back .

My son and wife went to watch the movie my son actually won a look alike contest. I had to work and could not go but I really didn’t care for the movie anyway.

I didn’t read the books but I watched the movies when they came out. I liked them :+1: