Failure again

Talking about how much better the harry potter books are than the movies is the best part of this post

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Voldemort had a higher rating

For me MOP was the last good PVP xpac. You could craft good PVP starter gear, monks were a bit, um, over the top OP and everyone could for the most part work at getting the good stuff. Locking gear behind rating is for the elitist jerks who have Ion on speed dial who want to stomp everyone else into the ground while steaming how lete they are.


You mean Cata, MoP was just anarchy. Ranged rogues, lock tanks, blood was a raid boss…but hey I sure did a nice cloak!..then I could play aff lock and do so much damage for no reason. Yeah Mop was some of the worst pvp to date, heck to makes classic look balanced.

Anarchy is what made it great. When you did an arena there was no telling what you were going to run into. Lock tank…too true but that is what was great about it. If you wanted to be a lock tank you could, or a speed lock or a crit lock. Things like that made the game hyper dynamic and fun. What we have now is Overwatch…every resto the same, every blood the same, ever prot the same, etc… Boring.

Class balance is important but what really makes the game fun is being able to adapt your gear to your play style. Blizz has dropped the ball the last 2 xpacs…BFA especially. I know several people who quit the game when they found out there was not PVP vender in BFA. People want gear and they want it to matter.

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The gearing and the option you had in Mop were nice but the balance in pvp was just not there. Options with gearing is good for simming and how you can build you guy but it does not mean the game play is fun. To say that it sucks for a spec to be a spec and that sucks is crazy. Even in Mop everyone and I mean EVERYONE did the same build just about. Haste>Crit>Mastery in that order for pvp and pve, few specs did not fall under this. Class balance is what made BC and Wrath the best xpacs, the game was not prefect but it was really fun to play thanks to the game being tame with the classes.

you don’t even lose rating up until like 1500 or something lmao.
it’s easy lmao.

:rofl: at people freaking out without even knowing how upgrading unrated gear will be working yet.

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This is bad for pvp , the lead dev has a honor level 5 after 2 full expansions, shows you how little he cares about pvp.