Faerin should be removed

To me it seems like a way to indicate that the culture and politics of the New Arathi are completely different (I mean ofc, it’s 2000 years of separation) but they still want to maintain a link between the old and new via Faerin.

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Lol… I bet you say that about every female character? Was Talia also a Mary Sue?

One of the things I find funny is that 99% of the crying about virtue signaling is simply virtue signaling to their own in group.


I feel like it’s more a weaker attempt at stirring folks up. I’ve seen better bad actors than this.

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Nope, just racists who keep using that phrase whenever they encounter anyone black anywhere in the world.

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People acting like this is happening in some vacuum are amusing. Activision-Blizzard literally had a mandate to do this and they have a diversity hierarchy scoring system that they apply to their games.

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not every black character is a DEI type of character ya know right?
she’s not going around killing everything, she has struggles, is leaning on anduin for support as well as give support too anyone.

the reading too orphans bit was probably forced to make her feel nice, but not a checklist.

and the name lothar does not mean shes a child of lothar, just a distant relative with different parents.

That term is a dog whistle. It’s a stand-in for a specific perjorative they can’t use here (well, they could but it’d mean a forum ban). We all know what they really mean when they say it.

What about her is black other than her skin? She lives in a northern european village wearing northern european clothes living with other northern european styled people and is said to have descended from a northern european styled family. It has no internal consistency.

Lot of it is people chasing a fad. Just like how being hyper progressive was a fad for a while now pointing it out is the new one.

People are to invested in this. Yes the character design is awful but she isn’t any worse character wise then most tww characters.

I feel like her disability, while obvious, isn’t also the focus of her character but one part of it. Which is good. You make it an attribute, not her core character.


You know who was a Mary Sue? Garrosh Hellscream. People loved that guy. I even loved that guy.

The issue isn’t the writing. It never has been. If people are suddenly upset at WoW’s writing, especially with how it recently stepped up from where it has been since Wrath, then they must’ve never actually paid attention to this game before today.


It isn’t a part of her character at all… its completely ignored and treated as a cosmetic

So why do it at all?

It definitely comes up in the quests and “Stay and Listen for a while” but it never takes center stage.

Their ancestry is Titan-made Vrykul inflicted with the Curse of Flesh lol

A disability as serious as no depth perception and a useless shield arm isn’t a part of her character from one line about how its part of her look so she doesnt get healed…

I’m pretty sure you can’t heal that kind of injury otherwise no one would have eyepatches or hooks for hands in this setting.

As for the shield being impractical, you’ve had more impractical weapons she’s had.

ya and?
not every human has to be the same as irl ones.

So just make her consistent with the faction, styling, and family name that they’re using and make her white. What’s the problem with that? It doesn’t matter right? Every other character and family in the game world is internally consistent.