Faerin should be removed

My problem is with the Lothar angle. It wasn’t necessary. I wish she was just a new original character.

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How you look defines who you are when you have no personality

If her race is no issue, why is her being black a problem?

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Because it’s internally inconsistent in the game world by common sense. Why is being white a problem for you?

Flesh isn’t even a natural thing in this setting, it’s a magic curse, and you wanna talk about consistency?


Your point makes sense, but i don’t believe thats blizzard intention, Anduin also look younger than he were in cinematic with Thrall.

What I do know is that we need the people responsible for the story of Warcraft 3 and WOD, specifically the person responsible for Ga’nar’s storytelling.

I’m tired of such a good franchise being destroyed by people who don’t even understand warcraft, people who don’t like war, soft political militants.

I’m tired of 3/10, I want 10/10 again.

Every other family in the game world is consistent from a racial standpoint, clearly by common sense the rules do apply. And from a cultural/aesthetic standpoint.

So why is this one character different? Of course we all know why, though some people feel compelled to virtue signal and play dumb.

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This again?

Look, I don’t get how you lot are failing to understand this. She is used to only living with one arm. She lost it when she was a child and she has lived her entire life since then with one arm. She trained herself to fight with one arm, to dress herself with one arm, to function, independently with one arm.

She makes it clear she has zero interest in relearning how to do all of that with an arm she hasn’t had for a decade.

There are plenty of people in the real world who live without prosthesis. In my country alone (which is Australia) hospital surveys found that close to 20% of all amputees did not use any form of prosthesis for a variety of reasons. Choosing not to use a prosthesis is not as uncommon as you think.

WoW for what it does right was never a 10/10 franchise story wise, you were just 11 years old.

Not really…? I am sure you could find examples of that don’t get me wrong but even as dumb as warglaives are they are not as dumb as her shield arm.

I’m pretty sure at this point the Arathi Empire is something no one’s seen and at this point, 2000 years removed, would be so racially intergrated with elves and different human tribes that no one could tell anyone what color they’re suppose to be, or if they’re even pure human anymore.


does it really matter that much?
she’s a distant relative and not literally the son/daughter of lothar.

her side of the family probably had darker skin tone parents, or had too much exposure too sunlight.

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…But with Faerin it feels like something forced to scream in the players face that disabled people can be cool too…

First off, I didn’t even know she was limbless until nearly the end of Hallowfall, and it’s not a lack of observation, it’s because she’s generally wearing a shield to cover that.

I don’t think they’re saying, “people with disabilities can be cool too,” at all. I actually felt like they kept that pretty low key. It wasn’t even made obvious until later into the story.

What’s interesting is that no one seemed to have a problem with the deaf centaur. Everyone thought it was awesome, but here we are with a black woman, who happens to have had a massive injury to her arm and eye, and everyone is losing their minds over it.

I think her character is interesting. She has a great backstory, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know her character. I’m looking forward to where they go with it.


Also, a prosthesis isn’t the same as an arm. It’s a mechanical device that you have to learn how to use. It’s not easy. There is a really high learning curve. Some people are determined and eventually adapt (usually because they lost a limb more recently). For others it’s a detriment, because it’s not the same as having a real arm, and makes them have to re-learn everything.

Re-learning how to do basic tasks is not optimal when living in a war zone too.

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Not another faerin whining post.

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Kargath Bladefist literally just has a knife at the end of his stump.

And that is like 90% of his personality. He’s got a blade for a fist.

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Do you really want me to bring up a bunch of caster weapons BiS over the years that are far more stupid?

We’ve used corn-sticks.

Dark skin seems to be much more common in the new Arathi Empire, given by who we see in Hallowfall. But even then, it doesn’t matter. She’s so distantly related to Anduin Lothar that she might as well not be related at all. They would be like, 50th cousins or more. Which means they aren’t any more related than I am to a random person in Japan.


we can even use a leek as a mace.

huh? I think you got my intention wrong lol i’m not complaining, I was explaining that she could evolve over time. I strongly urge you to read who I was replying to before you rattle off insults towards me and call me out of name.