Faerin should be removed

only GD cares, which is like 2% of the population. Rest of the people are actually playing and enjoying the game.

This comparison would be good if she was strapping a flamethrower to her arm, instead of what is effectively just another piece of armor that can barely be used as intended without an arm


Yep…honestly the only reason I’m on the forums right now is because I’m at work and can’t play at the moment.

Which comment are you referring to?

She just needs a character redesign so her weapon makes sense. She isn’t a great character but she isn’t offensively bad.

She ain’t going anywhere. Have you seen her? She’s a fighter. I don’t think you could drag her out of this game by her feet if she had no arms. She’d dig into the floor with her teeth.

She’s pretty alright for a pointy-ear.

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Ah, but you see, nobody can elaborate further. This is just something people say about everything they dislike, which only ever seems to feature a female character.

As subjective as it is, what makes it bad writing? Please share your actual issues. Is it because she’s a Lothar? Look up Taria Wrynn (Lothar). Odds are your issues with the writing are because of your own comprehension abilities, as her existence is explained very thoroughly in the questing experience.

If it’s something else, feel free to elaborate on that. Or don’t, but then it’s just super easy to assume that yeah, it’s likely a product of some sort of personal prejudice, and has nothing to do with quality.

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She also kinda really downplays being a Lothar since her family is a minor nobility now and on top of that she never really measured up to the family name. At this point being a Lothar is more impressive to someone from EK than it is from the Arathi.

If she was a relative of the Emperor that’d be another story.

She’s a mary sue. simple as

You can find it easy to assume all kinds of idiotic things, but that’s on you boo


Yeah, this is explained in the questing. She has an entire conversation with Anduin about why.

Oh? Give an example.

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It’s funny when racists accuse the people who aren’t racist of using her race as a shield against criticism. We aren’t using her race as a shield? They’re the ones attacking her for her race/gender/disability. I just made a comment that the exact same character, with the exact same story, would be called badass by them if she were a white male. Which indicates there’s nothing wrong with her character. There’s something wrong with the people criticising her though. I think she’s one of the best new characters to be added to the game in a long time. She’s not just there to be a token, she has a story and a character arc.

I also love how they misuse “Mary Sue” and don’t seem to know what it even is. She’s such a Mary Sue that we have to help and rescue her a couple times, lol.


Story team is not made up of gamers, it looks like blizz just hired a lady who always dreamed of working at Disney, thats how i feel.

Another problem that makes everything less coherent is that in the cinematic Faerin appears to be 60 years old, ingame she looks like and also has the voice of 15y.o


Of course they won’t remove her from the game, regardless of whether it makes sense in the plot or world at all. Because she’s a DEI character who’s there to satisfy real world politics and virtue signal and not because it makes sense. I’m sure there will be all kinds of contrived things to justify it, none will be any more believable.


I think her being a Lothar is just more of a nice point of commonality connection for her and Anduin to bond over than any indication of specialness on her part.

Bridging cultural gaps, etc.

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You have a point on the trailer. The trailer did not adequately convey who she was when we first meet her. It made her out to be a grizzled badass veteran, not a rookie lamplighter. Maybe the trailer represents who she’ll be by the end of the expansion. But yeah.

But it’s a trailer. Trailers often don’t represent things very well. They implied the Haranir would have a huge story in Azj-Kahet and they really don’t have much so far. Maybe they will later. I’m not going to judge the game by what’s in the game, if I have any criticisms it’ll be toward the trailer.

It’s quite obviously the case and everyone knows it. This character could not check more boxes if they tried. Whether you virtue signal one way or another about it is the question.


Do they still think we don’t know what they mean when they say that? Honestly at this point I would have more respect for them if they would just say the word they want to say outright. It’d get them banned from the forums, but at least they’d be putting their money where their mouth is.

Aren’t all Paladin signals by their nature, Virtuous?

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