Faerin should be removed

At least this one has a legitimate reasoning from her. She’d have to essentially learn how to fight all over again with two arms and the added weight, something you don’t really have a lot of time or freedom to do when you’re always fighting for your life.


This is not a Faerin problem, this is a Human bias problem with the writers. I still recall how stupid it was to have Varian lecturing the 10,000 year old war veteran Tyrande on WAR TACTICS IN THE WOODS.

She just happens to be a Human, and Blizz is blind biased with them.


It’s almost like humans write these things.

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People also aren’t reading quest text. She tried that guy’s prosthetics before. They did not work for her. They unbalanced her and made it hard to move. A prosthetic is not like getting a new arm, it’s a mechanical device you have to learn how to use, and can come with a very hgih learning curve. The guy basically wanted her to try his latest version (which she had done several times before), and she was basically like no thanks, I’ve done this before and I appreciate the effort but they don’t work for me.

Anyway…not only do I want them to keep her, I want them to ship her with Anduin. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no shipper, and I generally don’t care about relationships in games like this. But I want them to do it just so the racists and bigots will have to constantly see her. :slight_smile:


A girl with one arm would not survive in a war-torn world like this and everyone knows it. They could have made her a mage or priest and that would make more sense, but they were trying to make it a masculine character who’s “on the front lines” which is silly. There were ways to write it more believably if they wanted to check that box, but they wanted to check all the boxes at once, and it’s capsizing under the weight of all the virtue signaling.


There are accomplished one-armed soldiers and warriors in history. At this point they don’t really have the numbers to settle for feminine or masculine roles. It’s “Everyone fights or we’re overwhelmed by the numbers” game.

Cause I don’t see reinforcements coming to save them or them repopulating the numbers especially when we already see how many bite it just through questing alone.


im still up in the air about this one. even anduin seemed to have doubts :wink:

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Maybe if they’re dying so much they could use a priest who can heal and resurrect them. Sounds like a good role for a one armed girl who can’t hold a shield properly.

Unclear why people even feel they need to defend this, other than the real world politics and virtue signaling.

Would it make sense if Garrosh was in a wheelchair? No, it’d be a silly. He needs to look like a hyper juicer or the character doesn’t make sense. Internal consistency matters.


WoW has a sizeable base of incels, many of which are also racist.


Sometimes dead’s better if it means becoming effectively everything you didn’t want to be which I suppose is the point of that questline.

And I don’t think anyone in WoW is qualified to say anything about proper weapon holding.

I see so many people just zoom by quest givers. There’s so much stay a while and listen and NPC dialogue this expansion


Yep, I was going to make a similar point. We know why they’re obsessed with her. If her character had the exact same story, but she was a white male instead, they’d be raving about how badass she is. We know what they’re angry about. And the funny thing is, they aren’t even angry for themselves. They’re just obeying whatever their favorite talking head is, who instructed them to be “outraged”.


I know, I love it. I’ve done all the stay awhile and listen stuff. TWW has some of the biggest and best lore expansion/worldbuilding the game has ever had.

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Or alternatively a Naaru who would be able to raise the dead as Lightforged.

Which seems the obvious source of power of Hollowfall.

It’s still WoW so I don’t expect much, but I have to say I’m quite satisfied this time round

Yeah, Faerin is a great character. Hallowfall in general is great. But lonely dudes are upset because being white and male by itself isn’t as much of a super power these days.


Yep that’s it exactly. There are terms for the people you’re talking about but I’m not going to use them here because I want to keep my forum privileges.

It’s not even her disability. If she were a white male with one arm they’d be raving about how badass she is.

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Amazing how the people who pride themselves on being anti-racist are so quick to use someone’s race as a shield from criticism

She’s badly written. She also has stupid hair


One of the most famous Orcs very famously is disabled and uses a prosthetic.

Very true. Also, Zul’jin.