Faerin should be removed

Imaging the size of the roach where you have to use that to kill it.


I think it’s pretty obvious the Hallowfall Expedition is meant to be a reference to real world religious cults. (No, I don’t mean religions in general, calm down. I mean the actual cults that use religion they create as their reason for existing.)

They are worshipping a crystal they believe is god, and believe that if they stop devoting all of their time to worshipping it, that it will turn dark forever and leave them.

It’s literally just a real life cult, but in the game.

I’m more surprised we’re allied with them than anything tbh.


I definitely feel like seeds are being planted at the Empire attacking the Alliance/Horde

The Arathi sorta reminds me of the Sabaton meme

The kind where you accidentally walk into a thread that reeks of bad takes when the holy music stops.

I mean, we kill the people in the priory, even though they didn’t technically do anything wrong, if I remember the story right.

Like, yea, they attacked the “non-believers” and stole bodies (which I don’t think they ever explained?) but we also just kinda waltzed into their church and murdered them for… being… too religious to Beledar?

When people say something like, “I was supposed to think X thing, but the way it was presented actually made me think anti-X,” it means they also thought anti-X, and that nothing is going to change their mind, and they’re too cowardly to be honestly about why.

It wasn’t really explained via quests that well. The adventure journal mentions that they have become quite withdrawn and look down on the people from Mereldar. Then when we came in to investigate the disappearances of the dead bodies, the people there became hostile and then we find out they’re using the light to resurrect the dead.

I also recall some dialogue with Faerin where she mentioned we might not be well-received by the Arathi in their homeland. The people we work with in Mereldar are just a lot more desperate and need all the help they can get

This guy has posted the same race baiting bullsh*t at least 3 times without being banned, I was banned for 2 weeks for calling someone a simp…


Sure, sure, got it. Being black makes you a worse character than the Jailer. Good to know.


After playing through the campaign to unlock the wq, it’s pretty obvious people decided to hate the characters before they even knew what was going on. Most of the complaints make no sense. Hell even Anduin sacks up and goes solo on a spider army.


I can understand the view of DEI, as we’ve had to deal with that for a considerable amount of time and that didn’t go well.

However, the person in question as a character does have lore. New lore, I believe, in terms of what we already know about the Lothar’s? I don’t think she was ever mentioned in the past but I can’t properly voice on her character, as I haven’t fully delved into its background.

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She’s from the Lothars in the Empire. At some point, one of them left to go to the Eastern Kingdoms, which eventually led to Anduin Lothar.

Faerin descended from the Lothar that stayed behind.

So, assuming the theory that the Wrynns did indeed descend from Anduin Lothar ends up being canonized, that makes Faerin and Anduin like 5-6th cousins.

Someone in General Chat even joked about it, saying that if they canonize the wrynns being descended from Lothars, then Faerin and Anduin will probably get married because it’s on track for royalty to marry cousins. I chortled.

Its almost like shes been around for a week and there is a trilogy of expansions comming out… You people are just so pathetic, Any chance you can whine about something insignificant you just foam at the mouth.

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You do not remember the story right. We rock up to the priory to help with whatshisfaces funeral and his body goes missing. This naturally is insanely suspicious so we interrogate some Priests. The Priests are suspicious and say stuff like “you’ll not question whatsherface!” so we get sent into the dungeon itself to investigate the Prioress and it turns out they’re all fantatical light necromancers.

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Some weird practices were occurring so we were asked to check up on what’s going on. We don’t do anything but suddenly for asking questions about stuff, the folks at the priory that were part of the schism attacked us. Before we enter the dungeon the people who attacked us aren’t killed but run away.

It is first when we enter the dungeon to talk with the leaders there that we get attacked and use lethal force which… considering they start going at us with weapons and spells feels quite warranted. Until we enter the dungeon, no one has been killed by this and only bodies have been taken.

So no, we didn’t murder them because they were too religious. We defended ourselves because we were attacked by fanatics, which concluded in trying to reach the head of the schism and seeing that they were engaged in light-based necromancy. Which knowing that they used some kind of connection to Beledar to do so could have an endless number of implications.

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I do find it weird they pulled a Calia move there. Makes me wonder if we’ll have an invasion of AU Yrel and her Light crusade.

I mean, Anduin and Alonsus Faol are light necromancers.

Should we kill them?

Raising people isn’t inherently wrong in Warcraft. Hell, Sylvanas did it against their will on almost every single Forsaken and people cheered her for it.

Like I said, they didn’t technically do anything wrong. We just were enforcing the Arathi Empire’s laws on them even though we aren’t part of the Empire.

And yes, we killed them cause they attacked, which is wrong. But the reasons it got to that point make the point murky. Like, them attacking us could easily be seen as self defense, as they know the Hallowfall expedition won’t approve, and will enforce their laws.

It felt weird to me is all.

Every healer in the game is technically a necromancer

I mean if they throw hands first.


“Light Necromancers”…

I’m no priest or paladin but if I was, I’d hate to have that label on me.

What I don’t understand is how the Priory were able to raise undead into the Light as undead-light beings in the first place. From evidence of history, you’d need a powerful combination of a Living and Undead priest.

As far as I’m aware, there are no named undead priests among the Arathi to be considered powerful or exceptionally skilled.