Faerin should be removed

Even worse when she says “no” to help with her handicap.
I wish I lived in a fantasy world with both magic and high-tech, and could get rid of my handicaps.

Oh, she also isn’t a cat person.
IDK who wrote this char, but they sure made me dislike them.


blizz gotta check the boxes some how man lol


Why do you care this much about a character? Just weird.


She does have help in the way of the prosthesis, that’s she’s used all her life. The offered help was a completely different prosthesis she didn’t want because she would have to relearn how do stuff all over again, which is a valid reason for not wanting it. Moreso when they’re under constant attack from everything and don’t really have that luxury of downtime.

Nobody’s perfect sniff


I think Blizzard should remove you and everyone else making thread upon thread about Faerin from the forums.

Stop. Being. Racist. It is not hard.


Its a fantasy world, with Magic, extreme high-technology; I am 100% certain there is - no - learning period more than max a day…
It’d be a normal arm back…

The luxury of downtime = None, it’d be fast.
They can literally res people from the dead.

It’s insulting … She’s the worst character, by far, that they’ve ever made…

Edit: The fact that I even have to argue this, and I get a post removed for pointing out that all complaint aren’t because of her race (I don’t care what color she is for example), just tells me that US has gone way and beyond being sensetive and ignorant…

You people are very tiring…
Also, thanks for insulting me, a woman and a person with handicap; telling me how I should feel. :dracthyr_shrug:


Give it time. The Cat Distribution System will fix it. In one way or another.

It always does.


It always does.


Yes. It is.

There is not a single complaint in this entire thread that isn’t rooted in racism.

This is how most people with prosthetics in real life act when someone asks them if they want to replace the prosthetic they love with something new that takes away features of the first one that they have come to depend on.

No, Faerin doesn’t want an ARM prosthetic. She’s used to a SHIELD prosthetic. She can’t use an arm to guard attacks, and her brain has been wired that she CAN since she was a child.

Logic isn’t hard.

Lemme guess, Alleria not liking the Light makes her a horrible character too? Turalyon not liking the void? Etc.

Giving characters likes and dislikes humanizes them.

You are making excuses to be racist. We can see through it. Stop it.


Using that same immaculate logic it wouldn’t matter if she kept the shield arm either. It’s fantasy.

Arathi shield arm = make light go boom.
It’ll be fast. They can literally res people from the dead.

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Even if everyone agreed that she was DEI - PoC, Female, Disabled and lets even assume she’s LGBT in some way too.

It doesn’t even matter. She’s a sub-character in a subzone in a substory. She contributes like 5% to the main overarching story of The War Within and is a side-side character at most. So even if she was 500% more DEI it wouldn’t even make a difference to the theme, story, or anything.

This would be like saying you didn’t like the movie Tombstone because of Billy-Bob Thorton’s character who was in the movie for 2 minutes and 37 seconds.

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I like your sense of humour.

People don’t like racism.


Wait what? Then again, I kinda “zoned out” in DF.

No it’s like saying it would be fine if there was a character who was a klan wizard but it was only in one little part of the story. Nope, people wouldn’t like that either because of what it represents, racism.

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That’s certain a take.

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Sylvanas still holds the throne for me in terms of the worst storytelling.


Maybe she’s going to be Anduin’s future wife. Plus with mechagnomes in the alliance she could easily have a mechanical human sized arm. Like Bucky in the Avengers.

I really don’t see the problem with Faerin. I can see that you don’t like her but then that’s just one opinion out of millions of players. If that’s the way you feel then fine, but there is no evidence that the majority of players agree with you.

It’s literally because she’s black.

Literally every single complaint they have about her would not exist if she was a white human male paladin. 1000% guaranteed.


Yes, because that would fit into the world as created.