Faerin should be removed

The OP did not mention all of those because the first thread they made about Faerin they did list all of those things and some more pretty nasty things. So now they made a new thread and left all of that out because it was bad. I willing to bet I am not the only person that remembers that thread and that is why he got called out.

It was his posting history that created the division in short.

A 21st century haircut with well groomed fade and well brushed curled top. She can get her hair done but not her arm? :smile:

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I was answering them in general, personally I only really dislike the narrative around her missing arm. In truth, I didn’t even realize she was missing the arm, right up until the very forced “oh, I don’t want that fantasy equivalent of a cybernetic replacement arm, because this is fine. But also, you other people should get replacement arms” scenes. Before that point I was neutral on her, still felt like a generic Mary Sue though

It’s racism.

If you don’t oppose tokinism then you’re not opposing racism.

This game has humans with neon pink hair, who cares?

A few moments later…


I think Blizzard should just have all the characters for the next expansion be untextured, grey models with no features what so ever as to avoid triggering scenarios like this. Thank you for coming and please take a rum infused cookie on your way out.

What hatred. I just dont find the character engaging or interesting. Never wished ill upon her. Never wanted her to be a different race. Just be well written

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Yeee that fight was awesome.

I’m talking to an actual 12 year old.

I didn’t get into either show but yeah, ignoring reviews is the way to go.

I stopped paying attention to video game reviews too. Just look up gameplay on YouTube(preferably without commentary, but the mute button is there if I need it). It doesn’t take long to figure out if I’ll probably like it or not.

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If her hair was hot pink, I’d ask the same thing, too. Where you get the time to dye your hair underground where units are limited and survival imminent. And yet she has the cleanest haircut of her phenotype.

Im 31 thanks.

And rather find entertainment in things than being a prude fuddy duddy.

Define well-written and in what sense.

…is that seriously why?

That was so dumb and cheesy dude.

You have way too much time on your hands if you’re this concerned about arbitrary details lol

Look, you never out grow mech vs alien fights.


The fact that this post has 135 likes currently is really gross. There is a small minority in this community that complains about meaningless stuff like Faerin existing and I truly hope that Blizzard has her marry Anduin and she becomes Queen or something so that these people hopefully leave the game and we’re all better off for it.

My main issue with Faerin is the “need” for lack of a better word cause I’m tired, to make her a Lothar, and her refusal of a prosthetic arm. Now the reason she gives of having to relearn everything is understandable but shallow given the situation she’s in. Imagine a Nerubian has a Shotel like sword. Since her shield is literally right next to her body that sword is going to get her. On the her being a Lothar side of things. It just seems like a cheap way to try to get us to care about her more in my eyes. When that was revealed I liked her less. Beyond these 2 things though, I do like her character. Her being a way for Anduin to go back to the Light is great.

Just playing through the game it’s hard not to do a double-take at all the weird millennial crap they add into the game.

I swear I thought I saw a pumpkin spice latte.

Sugar, butter, flour, baking soda a dusting of cinnamon.

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