Faerin should be removed

I do 100% agree that detail is important and context overall is, in any situation, in any context, on any topic. I just know some folks will do that with one particular area and then dismiss another, based on personal biases. I try to keep it on a level playing field in my own mind.

The classic.

You should really love this character.
Why do you care so much?

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That part is what completely turned me off from the character. Felt like a very ham fisted attempt at a statement meant for real world, shoe horned into a fantasy game.

Then she suggests it to other Amputees or those missing limbs.

Like why is it not good enough for you but good enough for them

As long as it isn’t the really dry jerky… yes.

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The server simply can’t keep up with all the posts you flag. Maybe stop doing that.

Because ham fisted messaging in video games is rarely coherent. They’re fighting underground against what seem to be overwhelming odds, where losing means everyone dies.

But she chooses to reject a prosthetic that would have absolutely made them better able to fight, risking not only their own lives, but everyone else’s. For a very vague notion of “I’m used to this” on the characters part.


How do we create division? I have never understood that line of thinking. There has always been division the issue is that now people are tired of just taking the comments and treatment. So now when we call it out it becomes, “I’m not racist. I don’t see color. I have not seen or experienced that. You are ones creating division. If you don’t like it go back to where you came from.” and all the others lovely things that get said.

Then we play the game of it is a poorly written character, that is why I don’t like her. That is cool to but you cannot play WoW without tripping over poorly written characters. None of which get this level of vitriol thrown at them. If Faerin was a white character that fit white standards of beauty 90% of these “issues” would not exist. She would already have the crown as queen of Stormwind or the hero of the light that WoW needed if she was a male.

As for the it is not out of control, so a bit of racism is okay. That is what you are basically saying. I get the feeling that bit of racism is not directed at you or people like you.

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Since 2016

But it’s always been there just 2016 is when it got loud

I’m shocked, SHOCKED, that some people on the internet are upset seeing a black Woman with a disability have a (somewhat) leading role.

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You say this yet when we look across media it doesnt hold up.

Dany got so much crap for the last few seasons and shes exactly what you described.

Alicent and Rhaenyra are both white beatiful women and HotD is getting crapped on because of its terrible writing.

Ring of Power has a beautiful white elven women yet is constantly described as horribly written.

It doesn’t cover all of what’s gone on in this thread, but there are examples. The OP didn’t mention race or color at all. Unless I’m totally blind. He didn’t complain about gender. He didn’t really call out anything that fits under racism at all. And people were saying it was ‘hidden racism’. Inherently people are going to get defensive when they’re accused of something so serious, even if they literally haven’t even mentioned the subject.

In cases where someone decides to add meaning to a statement claiming it’s racism, even when it’s not intended or not the goal/issue whatsoever in a given statement, it gets pretty divisive. Especially if someone says “Oh hey no, my b didn’t mean that at all” and they still get nailed with “you know you’re all bigots and that’s the only reason you hate her!”.

If the OP had been like “god I can’t believe she’s a black woman” I would 100% understand calling it out. But he didn’t. And people insinuating that’s the issue, drew in people on both sides of the spectrum to hash it out and argue, where that argument wasn’t necessary at all in relation to the original post.


OP has made several threads prior to this that were deleted/unlisted where he detailed his issues with her, many of those issues concerning “political motivations,” whatever that means lol

I haven’t seen the older posts so I’m just going off of what was at the start of this thread lol I might be out of the loop if he’s brought it up in the past.

This isn’t the WAGGLE mega lounge. You made a wrong turn.

A good character doesn’t change no matter what surface level change you make to them. Barret could have been white as the driven snow, and he’d have still been a good character. Another favorite of mine is Ripley from the aliens franchise, that Ripley was a woman wasn’t a central focus of the character, they just happened to be one.

Modern writing, is afflicted with characters whose core nature usually revolves around some collection of check boxes that got checked to satisfy requirements they needed to meet for access to funding via market makers like Black Rock. If you took away any of those check boxes, many of them are shallow and barely fleshed out characters.

People aren’t dumb enough to just miss when someone is trying to push a message at them, and most people don’t like being preached to. Throw all of that into an established universe, where people have favorite characters, and you’re going to get people salty when some Mary Sue checkbox character shows up and hogs all of the spotlight, while one upping established characters.

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In fantasy games like WoW, characters like faerin are not what players expect to see or even want. They expect to see characters like Illidan, Sylvanas, Tyrande or Alexstrasza. You’re not going to have a huge fanbase gather around and lift up a character like faerin. You’re not going to have millions of people get hyped for her.

I feel like, with the exception of her missing arm, Faerin is exactly this. The game doesn’t even mention her skin color nor the fact that she’s a female. It only makes mention of her disability, which isn’t even all that prominent in the story with the exception of an optional side dialogue. She’s just a character who happens to be a woman and is blacke.

So like… what’s the issue here lol

lmfao come on, this is way too on the nose. There’s no plausible deniability here :joy:

The issue is that the writing and the characters are bad.