Faerin should be removed

Lol if thats how you want to take my comment then more power to you.

It’s foolish to put both groups on equal footing.

A complete load of BS. In fact, it was changed because originally George R.R Martin wanted them to be written that way.

“Long, long ago when he was conceiving of this world, [Martin] himself had considered the idea of making Velaryons a race of Black people with silver hair that essentially came from the other side of the ocean and conquered Westeros,” he says. “That’s a fascinating idea and that always really stuck with me because it’s such a stark image. I just thought, ‘Well, why couldn’t we do a version of that now?’”

Both Condal and Sapochnik felt strongly about featuring a person of color in a powerful position of nobility in the context of the story. In House of the Dragon, that would be Lord Corlys. Condal explains they “didn’t want to do it in a way that felt like it was an afterthought or, worse, tokenism.” They also wanted to avoid the recurring image of people of color showing up in fantasy sagas as pirates, slaves, and mercenaries.

“It’s not any of that at all,” Condal says. “I’ve seen people that look like myself on screen in these types of high-fantasy stories since I was born because I’m a white guy. What’s it like for everybody else? … We went back and just looked at the story and said, ‘How do we do this in a way that can feel like it’s done integrally with the story?’”

It’s worth noting that George R.R Martin specifically hired Condal to make House of the Dragon and they had a lot of discussions about the show and the books.

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tbh…from an outside view (I come from the European mainland) it did seem to have gotten worse, after “some” of them did decide to vote “the yellow guy” into the white house for the first (and for now only) time.
But let’s better not talk politics. :smiley:

lol ok.

Equality is equality. It is on the same footing.

No, cause there’s literally always context that makes it not the same.

No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying it’s not like it’s out of control. Sure it happens…
The good old everything and everyone is racist.
You guys create far more division than you realize.

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Okay so… two scenarios.

White character in a book is cast with a black actor in a show.

Black character in a book is cast with a white actor in a show.

Both choices are made based on acting skill and how well the personality is nailed let’s say. Are they not the same? And dare I ask why they aren’t, if that’s the case?

I mean you’d have to find an explicitly black character in a fantasy book first.

Go back further than the last twenty years or so of publishing and good luck lol

And yet they cut an original POC character with a great chance for an on screen story to give it to Baela who has had no character development or reason of why we should like her.

Its not the the skin color that matters its they race swap then act like thats all they have to do to make the character interesting.

They cut out Nettles to give another POC the same story but without any investment or character development to care about her.

Are you not aware of how both groups are treated differently in the West, especially America?

Let’s add another example: a brown-skinned indigenous hawaiian character is switched for a light-skinned Filinipa actress.

That’s blatant colorism, and if you know anything about Hawaii, they don’t even want tourists due to how badly it affects their state, which many acknowledge was illegally annexed.

Let’s not pretend that this scenario would not be met with a ton of backlash in both cases, but the white person playing the role of a black character would be quickly drowned out and forgotten, while the white character getting played by a black actor would see people come out in droves and it would be in the public eye for months if not years.

I remember all the backlash which came from the series ‘Troy: Fall of a City’ which cast all the Greek Gods, as well as Achillies and other notable Greek figures with black actors and actresses. The series was actually really good and I enjoyed it. Especially since it was far closer to the historical texts than the earlier movie starring Brad Pitt and Eric Bana (which was also fantastic but for different reasons).

Same with the Netflix series focused on Cleopatra, which cast a black actress as Cleopatra. You could hear people calling out the casting for months on that one.

Its comical how Red Headed or “Ginger” characters are getting the shaft in all this and probably the most hurt by this shift. Yet theres no uproar about giving a minority group their time to shine.

Yeah you read way too far into my question. I literally just wanted to know if flipped around the person would view it the same. They said yes. I 150% respect that, because people are people. I don’t care much what they look like, as long as they’re good people and that’s full circle. I think you just really want to inject particular politics into it.

There’s genuine decision making when it’s integral to the story and important to stick to detail and then there’s cases where it’s not something attention is drawn to and therefore doesn’t impact story. Your example is extremely specific.

I read the title of this thread and want to click it because I keep thinking she did something controversial. Like, she’s being kicked out of office.

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The South Park episode about “gingers” was pretty controversial.

And prophetic it seems

I don’t. I like her character, I like the story so far that includes her.

As an ex-service member, just because you’re old doesn’t mean Elune blessed you with intelligence. As they say in the service, incompetence gets promoted.

That is your choice.

No. And honestly I hope we get more characters like her… Black skin and all.

Every example is different. That’s why we should listen each time.

I have a working theory, but it wouldn’t be appropriate to discuss it on these forums.

sock puppet central… I really hope someone takes a look at that.