Faerin should be removed

Faerin isn’t a cat person. Faerin is a bad character.

What determines a DEI character btw? I remember when FF7 came out thinking Barrett is a cool character, when did Americans start focusing so hard on color?

Seems like since Covid the world has gone mad.

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Right around 2015 (when all my friends suddenly changed one day into justice warriors).

Probably Harambe.

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Agreed not a fan of this. Could have just made her a zealous regular soldier.

Now this is where you lost me… She’s zealous to the light and has an awesome no give up attitude… Her attitude is freaking great.

Could you be anymore dramatic? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: She’s an average character in an awesome zone… As far as character writing goes she’s a 6/10.

The drama queens are out in force.

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For anyone in this thread: Being black or disabled, or a woman lol

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I want to say about 1619 but who’s counting.


the label is meaningless, stapled onto anyone who isn’t straight or white regardless of intent or quality

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That and females with beards. :roll_eyes:

The moment they allow me to make a female character with a dark skintone, missing a limb and with a beard… I’m doing it. Because I’m tired of people around here being ridiculous over all this stuff.

They make me question reading comprehension and whether anyone was taught anything in school. Or life.

BOOM! There it is! Thread over. lol

OH for the love of… :woman_facepalming:

Yeah, I’m out.


That’s interesting because I have never once seen racism in this game. And I’ve been around since vanilla.


More I want him to not constantly be useless and a hindrance. I don’t mind faerin as a character. Little to naive and optimistic for being in a supremacist cult but there are far worse characters in wow.

A one armed sword and board front line fighter without depth perception is my issue with her. Its entirely on her absurd design


By the way, am I missing something? The Arathi didn’t really strike me as supremacist, or Scarlet-adjacent, just zealous & coming out of years of isolation. They seem pretty ready to reestablish trade relations with the Earthen as well.

She didn’t bother me either really. anduin on the other hand…oh man what a beta.

Typical in media now…need strong women to save weak men. Stupid stuff.

Its further into their story. The majority of their faction is on par with the scarlet crusade/onslaught

The good old “Because I don’t see it, it doesn’t happen”.


Really? I’m gonna have to look a little closer, I guess. The whole “conquering fear” angle sets them apart from supremacist factions from the jump, I think, since a lot of supremacist ideologies are built on equal parts fear & hate. They’re definitely very dedicated to their religion, but I dunno, I guess I missed the Scarlet-esque part.

just say what you really want to say, im sure the vast majority already know what that is.

I see the point you are trying to make. And it’s a solid point.

The Valaryions were white in the books. They were changed because of dei.

If it wasn’t for the “check box” it would have been three old white guys riding those dragons.

To be fair to you a lot of it is in the written text of notes and books over quests. Its easy to miss and feels like something blozzard isn’t entirely committed on. It feels like they changed direction and just left those in.

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