Faerin should be removed


Faerin Lothar is a Lamplighter of the Hallowfall Arathi and of the main protagonists and quest givers in the Hallowfall storyline. A member of the noble Lothar family, she stowed away on the Hallowfall Expedition as a child.


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I think there’s probably some daylight in between “showing emotions” and “being a constant emotional wreck” and I think Anduin leans heavily toward the latter.


Could just be using the definition of “noble” rather than the rank.

Nothing in her questing, or in any of the Arathi plot, suggests any semblance of bloodline mattering at all.

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Here’s some dialogue from a quest in game: “Faerin says: Oh no, don’t you start using formalities on me! My family is noble, but it’s been long since we’ve seen great fortune.”


So he is showing TOO much emotion, got it.

That would be why people call him a crybaby, yes. You’re catching on here!

Well :dracthyr_shrug:

The Arathi don’t seem to put that much stock in it but you can if you want to I guess.

I wasn’t aware of a limit on emotion a man was allowed to show. Thanks for informing me.


idgaf either way, but if you’re going to reference story at least reference it correctly lol


Anduin: Did I hear that right earlier? You’re a… Lothar?
Faerin: You know the name?
Anduin: Know it? I was named for Anduin Lothar, one of Stormwind’s greatest heroes. He was close friends with my grandfather, King Llane Wrynn. Few names hold higher esteem. You must be a Lady, or a…
Faerin: Oh, no, don’t you start using formalities on me. My family is noble, but it’s been long since we’ve seen great fortune.

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Nobody is as big a crybaby as a bunch of folks in this thread. Just sayin’.


I, too, get offended enough to insult people when they critique a favored pixel.

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Turnabout is fair play. Shrugs.

You need to refresh yourself on how feudalism works. :slight_smile:

Nobility is birth, rank is inherited and appointed. For instance the king of England was a prince for many years. Had he died before his mother, he would never have been king but he always would have been nobility.

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Is Anduin your puppy? Did anyone in here kick him?

How is it turnabout for you to insult people over an imaginary character?

literally a lothar

she fits in fine, i think the biggest problem is that they slimmed down the required campaign and there is a TON of great background in some non-required side quests.

To me the full story is doing sojourner in every zone. there are 2-3 questslines in each zone that i feel could have been inserted into the campaign and would have been fine, borderline required lore in them.


I really wish this had devolved into “Most ridiculous things we had used as weapons or impractical items that should have done more harm than good” for us instead of the shield arm.

Like we’ve held weapons covered in speaks or three times our size. Covered in Flames.

You toted out the crybaby line. I think a bit of self-awareness is in order. Cope.


Exactly. Why is an individual, who’s bared through the pain he has, being such an emo whiny brat about it?

I could understand if he was 15/16 like the Avatar’esque story would like you to believe, but he’s not. Let the man have emotional pain but at least make it a “mature” emotional pain. He’s not a kid who’s going through his first rodeo.

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Not about you or anyone else lol.

About a fake character in a video game story. You’re the one torn up about it enough to start slinging insults at people.