Faerin should be removed

Anduin is clearly on a path to being some sort of priest/paladin powerhouse. Blizzard is broadcasting it a mile away with how he keeps looking at his sword and dove off the blimp to what he thought would be his death just like his father.

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I haven’t even uttered a single bad thing about white people. If you think me stating that it’s okay for black people to exist in a video game is somehow me being anti-white, then all you’re doing is spelling out to everyone that, from your view, the existence of black people is somehow an affront to white existence.

I don’t think the story in TWW is any good, but I don’t think that has anything to do with the color of Faerin’s skin, especially considering she hasn’t played even a huge role beyond Hallowfall as of right now.

Like, recognize that you’re held up on a character whose presence in the story is, at most, at an hour or less. You’re just mad that she exists.


I do feel that making her so young and a Lothar was a mistake.

They wanted to give Anduin a new Love interest and are trying to pretend Talia Fordragon doesn’t exist.

Hes on the upturn of a character arc. How is that done dirty? We’ve only seen the beginning of this story.

If he wasn’t IN the story, that’d be done dirty. Instead we get a whole zone with him and the promise of more. He’s one of the main characters of the xpac.

You mean besides the fact that he was King? Or worse, that his own father sacrificed his life? Or that he’s been through plenty of hard crap already?

Somehow Shadowlands, of all things, is what broke him completely. He got done dirty just for the sake of building a “character arc”.

She makes her armor look cool even without one arm.

All I can say without being called a racist, sexist and -insert political spectrum here-.

Yes. Believe it or not, having your free will stolen and being tortured for months can take a bit of a toll.

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Kings lose their :poop: Points in all directions of history.

I guess Bolvar is just strong as all get out. Poor Anduin. Can’t even have some strength because he has to be pigeon hole’d as a weak boy his entire life.

Yes. Different characters go through different things and react in different ways.

And anduin doesn’t have strength? You said it yourself. He lived through old gods, the death of his father. A horrible multi year war as king. He’s got plenty of strength, just not unlimited.


He was captured, sent to super-hell, tortured, and had another soul shoved inside his head.

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Beef and Wellington, the black Hornswogs–are apparently :rainbow: :sparkles:

Good for them! :dracthyr_nod:

Bolvar in Legion was on a path to becoming another Lich King.

Not sure if Bolvar “let me sit on the Frozen Throne and sit in Oribos all day with Baine” Fordragon is the best counter-argument to what Anduin is going through in the midst of a world crisis

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Yeah, she more than “just” that. I think you know it and want to make excuses for Blizzard excess. As I said, she has all the things except LGBT, and I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard to break Anduin’s heart and shove that in later.

What are you going on about? She didnt feel forced at all by me. Only thing that i didnt like was the over sympathizing of Anduins cry baby characteristics. Thats what needs to change. He is more feminine than any of the female characters.

Yea stupid man, stop showing emotions.

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She’s not a noble, her family literally wanted her to be an accountant. The name is a coincidence.

Also I dunno where you’re coming from with “thick”, she has the same stick-thin human female model as every other human female.


Really… give me an anti-white quote from this thread.


“Faerin was born in the Arathi Empire into the noble Lothar family.”

Pull her up on the warcraft wiki if you need to see the breakdown of references. She states it in game too at one point. It’s a declining noble family, but noble all the same.