Faerin should be removed

It’s just straight up ragebaiting at this point lmao

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Quick find me a quote that has ever stated anything to the opposite.

Frankly i just want well written characters dont care what they look like

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These threads would not exist if they had introduced a Chad or Barbie Lothar. Especially when we see all the crying over her being a “DEI, woke, checklist” character.


Yep, two actually. and those characters appeared a few episodes before the one they’re talking about.

If anything that had more to do with class/nobility than skin color.

Hey, now. Don’t be bringing those tasty and innocent cookies into this…mess.

/moo :cow:


I think Faerin’s pretty cool so far. Only beef I have is how the writers took way too much liberty throwing her at Anduin’s problem. The two of them barely know each other and yet she knows how to solve all of his problems.

That’s not a her issue, she’s fine as a character. It’s a writer issue. Just don’t.

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There are actually dozens of comments in this thread. If you read it as you say you did, you surely would have come across them. Someone literally openly stated that they were racist and that it was okay.

I’m not going to hold your hand. You clearly only see what you want to see, so quoting these directly won’t do much in the way of convincing you, I imagine.


Her arm is missing only a few inches below the shoulder. Where else is she going to attach it? It does move slightly in some of her actions, but being that she has next to no arm, it would be really dumb to see it raise up above her head or move around to block things like you see able bodied people do…

I mean, I don’t know that Anduin’s problems are solved yet. I still haven’t seen him using the Light.

And youre just as bad the opposite way.

You cling to any crap story that you believe gives you the moral high ground over others even when its tokenism at best

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You’re such a victim.


I see we’ve moved from “you’re worse” to “you’re just as bad”.

Kinda like how yall treat Faerin make her into a victim that is being critiqued on her race yet majority of the comments are just shes a badly written character


Not all his problems, just his lack of faith in the light, the thing she happens to be specifically inclined toward.

This thread was about Faerin so I didn’t think it right to talk on Anduin specifically. He’s a whole different problem. The writers really did him dirty this expansion.

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I agree, and think there is merit to some arguments on both sides regarding the character. For example, some veiled 'ist/'phobe objections might exist that try and hide it and also that not every objection might be based on some 'ism or 'phobia.

Regardless, I like her and see nothing wrong with the character so far other than cringe shield-arm. I’ve not finished the storyline mind you, but I’d add to what you said and say most of these threads might also not exist if she wasn’t a “Lothar”. But it remains to be seen how they position her in Anduin L’s family if they explore it at all; and I hope they do, since it could lend itself to the charge of tokenization if they don’t.

Yes, because that is why you are posting in this thread.

The lothar thing may have been a mistake but are we sure that she is really related? It could be a case of taking a famous person’s name as a family name.

In any case the only thing that really annoys me with her is the choice of voice. I am not going to criticize the voice actor; a professional voice actor can assume several different voices, so Faerin’s voice is due to choice. Faerin’s voice could be fixed however to something more fitting for her. Look at the awesome video where we see her introduced. I cannot fit THAT childish voice to her, it seems WAY out of character.

That’s like saying “who cares it’s just wow”

She’s not there to have value or cred.

She’s there to be a strong handicap wxmen of color to show white beta Anduin how things be do.

It’s just such a shame they didn’t also give zher vitiligo to make things properly diverse.

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