Faerin should be removed

Again, not what is happening. You keep doing you though. Happy racist thoughts and all.

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I felt pretty indifferent towards her. She has some ok moments, she’s just stuck with Anduin and his dumb story.

We’ve done the “main female character goes crazy and gains a ton of power but mellows out at the end” 3 times. We’ve done the “main male character gets sad and loses his power” 2 times and Thralls is still ongoing!

I end up ignoring characters tied into those storylines cause they’re just boring to me. Alleria hasn’t impressed me much either this expansion. Very typical trope we see in a lot of other media.

I’d like to remind you that patch one in WOD Yrel wasn’t even a fledgling hero yet who had only just discovered the light. She doesn’t start the xpac a full paladin.

What you’re asking for is unrealistic with the time we’ve had with her. Give it time. She’s only just been introduced.

Currently her part in the story is as a foil for anduin. Anduin was also a young kid thrust into the middle of a major conflict whose hope and optimism helped many of the more tired and jaded leaders find their way again.

She’s what anduin needs right now, a young woman in a near hopeless situation who still holds to hope despite everything.

There’s still lots of time for her to get more development


I think of her and her fellows as Orcs coming from another planet.

Don’t know if we should allow them in Azeroth.

She is a box checker, nothing more.

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Didn’t it go to a different old white guy?

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Fantastic analysis. 10/10

Ah yes because you speak for all WoW players lmao :clown_face:

Do we know the sexuality and pronoun’s used ?

Certain all your faves were “box checkers.”

Oy sunday was 2 days ago…

You need to get out more…

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No. It flew away and went to the guy with dreadlocks.

Going through the thread its really interesting the majority of the time when race or gender is brought up or even mentioned. Its mostly anti white and anti male sentiments actually being said.

Maybe one day we will actually stop lying to ourselves.


Oh right I was thinking of the other two later that went to old white guys.

Sounds like a neat thread you’re reading. It’s not this one though.


They clearly see themselves as victims, which I think is hilarious.


Ulf the White and Hugh Hammer didn’t appear in Season 2 I guess lmao

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That were time-locked on a hidden island for 10000 years. Don’t gloss over that.

“It’s okay that black people exist.”

Chuds: “Unbelievably intolerant of you. This just goes to show how racist you are against white people.”


Might want to work on your reading comp then.

Only racist or sexist things said in these threads is the constant antagonizing of whites and men.

Just go through each post from the start and replace the word white with any other race and see how racist it becomes.

Or because its against white men it becomes non problematic

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Hmm nope not seeing it. Maybe you’re lost, friend.

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