Faerin should be removed

Right-wing culture wars have soured things, although I don’t think that’s Microsoft’s fault.


I mean I am a big fan of this idea, I’ve been waiting on Night Elf Paladins since legion.

welp “hating Faerin” is officially a giant red flag, in the same way liking garrosh, daelin or garithos is

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Yes because it’s quite plainly obvious what ideology is driving the game, in the output of the game and the public disclosures of the company. It’s not an accident that every storyline in TWW converges on a strong diverse female character taking charge.

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4 more minutes until reset, seethe a little longer for us

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At this point they’re running around with a parade of red flags while listening to german music from the 1940s.


Garrosh is just hot ok don’t lump me in with those freaks

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When was this? What nonsense wasn’t present at that time? Can you please elaborate a little?

It’s a nice caricature but you’re the racist bad guy here, unfortunately.

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ok thats valid

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What a terrible analogy, all of those things have provable evidence. You have made a leap that she was added from a checkbox when they literally said she wasn’t. Do you not understand the difference? It isn’t deductive reasoning. You are literally ignoring evidence to draw a conclusion you think fits your narrative.

I thought your ilk liked pride parades

Oh they exist. Cutting off the first part of my post shows me you clearly understood what I said too.

You also ignored this statement but at least you did quote it.

There are only so many intersections you can throw at a character before it goes from character building to tokenization.


I wouldn’t mind if the character had some flaws. But it’s the typical DEI dribble that gets added in where they are flawlessly good and do no wrong.

Reminds me of house of the dragon where they brought that old white guy in first to tame the dragon. I knew exactly what was gonna happen to him and who that dragon was going to.

That’s a story telling problem. I shouldn’t be able to predict story based on what a character looks like.

The son of Sam said his dog was telling him to kill people. Doesn’t mean it was true.
Especially with people like you get that hold these ideologies, I do not trust them to not lie, because they do it constantly.

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I’m sure they will do a paladin recruitment patch maybe at the end of this expansion or midway. Making all race able to be the class, its kind of dry having only six races able to be paladins and among them is two dreanei races, and soon to be three dwarven ones. (they missed the bus not letting earthen be druids, even though theres a quest where we help one who’s protocol is to tend the forest.)

And so you have ignored evidence to get the conclusion you desire. At least you finally admitted it.

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She’s literally just a black disabled woman. If that’s too many “intersections” for you, then that seems like a you problem.


Idk i like her plus she is helping anduin and is the catalyst for some story thats not oonga boonga dumb.

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If someone’s stabbing me in the stomach while saying they’re not, I think I’ll do well to make my own judgement on whether or not they’re stabbing me.