Faerin should be removed

You sound like the people denying there’s a genocide happening in the Mediterranean right now.
Show a bit of evidence, handwaved away. Show more evidence, handwaved away. I do not understand how someone can just blank out and make no connections or logical deductions.

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You mean the quest line that had a beginning, middle, and end? Meanwhile we’re still in the first chapter of Faerin’s story.

I will make my one complaint about the character…it’s the attachment of the shieldarm at the shoulder. I get it, it’s kind of a cute idea, but makes that shield almost worthless. The whole point of having a shield attached at your forearm is that it lets you raise it above your head, a fairly wide range of motion side to side, and get together with a bunch of others Spartan style, and you have an almost impenetrable wall. Having it attach at the shoulder and you lose all of that.


Its probably so the weakpoints on the sides of her plate armor are not exposed - rather than for combat.

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She does have a little bit of arm left that presumably gives her some range of motion.

I admit I haven’t sat there and watched her in combat yet to see whether she waves the shield around or not.

There’s a several things that are making this expansion hard to take seriously. They really need to tone it down on the meme races (Kobolds, Niffen, Gorlocs, Fungarians).

The character is fine. My only disappointment with her was that she turned down a prosthetic arm from the blacksmith. I get it was a “feel comfortable in your own skin” sort of situation but cyborg paladin is an archetype I want to play.

No one is handwaving anything away except you. Your evidence is something that wasn’t used during the creation of WoW, wasn’t made by Blizzard, wasn’t even used in the creation of the game it was created for. You then leap to the conclusion that well a tool was developed therefore without actual evidence to back it up, then you decide that it is the other person who is at fault. You are making a ton of leaps to get to a conclusion you agree with instead of just going with the fact that the simplest explanation is someone thought she was cool character to add.

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  • It wasn’t made by Blizzard Entertainment, the tool was made by King Digital.
  • Activision-Blizzard executives tried to use the tool in a press release but used Overwatch characters to demonstrate how the tool would be used.
  • Blizzard Entertainment developers, specifically the Overwatch team, outright said they never used it.

It was a blunder created by the executives of Activision-Blizzard who were trying, unsuccessfully, to distract from the lawsuits that the company was getting slugged by.


Spreading propaganda for the Kobold revolution is based though.

You forgot people also have a dinosaur mount with people riding it - in their pocket to pull out whenever they feel like. I feel so bad for those poor vendors living in some guy’s back pocket until needed.



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Eh they actually personified and de-memed kobolds in this one, which is nice.

Also fungarians are kind of terrifying.


Actually never knew they didn’t ever use it. What a blunder!

Is this your first time playing in the Warcraft universe?

Cyborg paladin, sounds like a badass anime.

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Ok, there’s no point. It’s like there’s actually some kind of metaphysical blinding on some people in the world, it’s like an actual magic or something. Genuinely disturbing.
Yuri Bezmenov, as ever, remains proven right.

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Can you guys just say that you hate inclusivity and move on? Like you give us this long “explanation” on why the character is bad, but I’m 1000% sure that if the character was a male, or was white, we would not be having this conversation.


There is no point in what? You haven’t actually stated an actual fact… you just keep asserting your position is true without evidence to back it up.

Loved that Kobold that basically went “I no need candle”


Yeah, talk about side-stepping a pothole only to fall of a bridge.

When Blizzard Entertainment developers were pressed on the tool they said: “We’ve already made a diverse group of characters, we didn’t use any tools to do that, and we won’t need to use one moving forward.”

Internally they were angry with Activision-Blizzard executives for using their IPs on a tool they never used or planned to use, because it threw them under a bus and made it seem like they were only checking boxes when they weren’t.