Faerin should be removed

It could work if you have an attachment disorder, codependency maybe? :+1:t2:

Maybe her ultimate reward is falling in love with Anduin and the Light rewarding her sacrifice by giving her the eye and the arm back, but leaving the scars as a reminder of how hard she fought. If certain people hate her now, I can only imagine the river of salt that will grow from him taking the throne in SW at the end of this expac with Faerin at his side as our new queen.

A cutscene. Something that hooks us as players. It’s not that hard, but they chose to assume we would automatically have an emotional attachment just because of their diversity in the WOW universe lol it’s shallow and honestly disrespectful to their humanity.

I could link you the pic of the chart that Blizzard themselves put out, without any shame, about the program they use to check the points of a character’s design.


What a shame that they gated them, right?

But definitely give it another chance with your alt. I admittedly also skipped a bit of the side quest lore to rush through Sojourner. There’s so much solid story here in all of these zones, I’ll probably be drinking it in for a bit with my repeat playthroughs.

I honestly can’t understand why people trash the story now, or come to the forums with complaints about Faerin’s lack of explanation. They explain so much about why she exists, which is wild.

It’s like you need a significant higher quality of writing or character development for a major character who is a darker color or a female to exist, and the standard only increases if they’re both. Otherwise they’re “DEI” or “Mary Sue.”

Like, my brothers in the light, this is high fantasy. A world where characters surf in on a war ship and save the day, where big orc with axe can somehow match that level without any magic at all, and it’s entertaining until it needs a permit to exist by random white guys with a victim complex.


Emotional attachment is something you develop. People wouldn’t have cared about Khadgar dying if that had been the first time we’d ever seen him.

She’s not even the first non-white one-handed character. Bladefist and the whole Shattered Hand chopped off a hand and replaced them with weapons when they escaped. In the movie at least, he also was forced to refuse a fel hand, having it chopped off again.

So, these threads make it obvious why people suddenly care.

You mean the overwatch one? Yeah… old news is old news and has nothing to do with every single character you see. Unless “more spider people” was included in that chart.


More like a job lol


I found the cutscene with her and anduin to be pretty moving actually.

It’s the first time in years he feels the warmth of the light. There’s a lot of story left to go, plenty of time to build on a good start.


See The Last Mage and people’s response to it.

Yes that was nice, we needed something before that tho lol

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Not to mention it wasn’t made by Blizzard Entertainment, it was made by Activision-Blizzard, and Blizzard never used the tool that was described in the chart.

It speaks to the mindset within the company, so it -is- relevant.

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Metzen in an interview did say the story was going to be a slower roll out since it’s told over 3 expansions. So more time for little moments and such. We’re going to be with these characters a long time.

100% I even did the whole walk with the General to hear her talk about Faerin and the Emperor’s edict and how Faerin at risk of her own health while stowing away was the reason they still had the sacred flame.


Nope, just gives you something to latch on to. It was never used.

Attaching to a character is easy if you are open to attachment. Look at Captain Garrick from the Exile’s reach starting zone. We knew nothing about her, yet were determined to help get her son back. Or the little girl in the plaguelands who simply wanted the 3 parts of the doll her dad gave her. This game is riddled with one shot stories. Look at Fiona’s Caravan in the EPL. We’ve not seen her since. I feel like there is a great divide between what is happening in the game, and what players want to happen in their heads. I am not one of them. I think TWW is on par to be one of the best expansions to date.

  1. It was made by King

  2. Actual devs of the company literally said they dont use it because of its dystopian weirdness.

Who cares if they used a diversity chart anyway? A diverse cast of characters is always welcome by most people. It’s great if they want to ensure they reach that.

It only feels like an attack if you’re a fragile wittle boy.