Faerin should be removed

I remember there being some grumbling about her being a Fordragon in the early days of BFA, but not nearly at this scale.

If they are going to delete main story characters they should start with the Jailer. Faerin has enough intersectionality that I suspect Blizzard used their silly diversity program to generate her, but she isn’t flawed beyond that. With the modern Blizzard, I’d expect much much MUCH worse.

Honestly my biggest beef with her so far is how she is just too good for a prosthetic. :crazy_face:

She is obviously going to be Anduin’s love interest so better start getting used to her now.

@Blizzard, while she helps Anduin with the light could you please have him help her accept her disability and learn to use a prosthetic? The “I’m so good I don’t need no help from nobody,” female trope is really tiring and frankly it is a better love story that they help each other accept their own shortcomings.

This is how I view her.
She was made with a checkbox design, but the characterization is not bad like I thought it would be. She’s fine as a character.


I saw someone using Deadpool and Inside Out 2 as an argument against anti-woke but they’re owned by Disney too? So it’s very pick and choose. I will always assert that the core issue is always going to be about emotionally compelling writing and relatability. Not whatever nonsense culture war FOTM ppl wanna get outraged about lol

That’s generally how new characters appear. Should there have been a giant blaring klaxon like in Reboot for incoming games?

Warning, Incoming New Character


Wrong its actually used by racist to attack non minorities now days. The people spewing hate, bigotry, discrimination, and general divisiveness all comes from DEI supporters. You literally are the grift, you are the establishment, you are the conformist.


Maybe this is a wrong analogy or a bad one sorry in advance, But it just seems desperate like they got punched 400 times but they got a couple punches in so its a victory.

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Do some of the side quests in Hallowfall. She’s present in many of them and you learn more about her and the Hallowfall Arathi along the way. Plenty of combat and a lot of story to be had if you sit through the “stay a while and listen” moments.

A lot of people seem to have an issue with this expansion’s story, but fail to actually take a moment to drink in the story. So what we’re left with is the MSQ, which is a compromise for the story-driven players and the folks who just need enough information to know why they’re running the same handful of dungeons and the couple of raids that come out before Midnight.

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Well, I haven’t kept up in modern wow lore entirely. I’ve played off and on. I’m judging it based off of what I see at the current moment. Could Taelia also be annoying? I’m sure, i’d have to go do that first.

But as it stands, I agree. I don’t like Faerin. It’s not because of her character design it’s because she’s just annoying. Similarly to Anduin.

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Oh ya 100% I loved doing the staying a while and listen choices, I even went out of my way to do the optional bits of a quests just to hear the characters talk. I did however and will admit that I sped through the last bit of the story because I wanted to be ready to make an Earthen. On my alts I will for sure take my time and clear the zones.


Or… and maybe this is really hard to understand. Someone just designed her without the idea of a checkbox thinking she was cool character and you are trying to shoehorn your own insecurities onto the character?

Oh look, another person to block. Thanks.

That’s honestly the best thing about threads like these. Plenty of people outing themselves as horrible people and getting a spot on the block list.


We have ZERO emotional attachment to their character. That’s what’s lacking. I have more of an emotional attachment to The Last Mage vs Faerin. Just because she has one arm doesn’t mean she is entitled to our emotions.

I think cause the objective isn’t really to win per say. It’s to get engagement.

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She does accept her disability. She doesn’t refuse the prosthetic because she’s “too good” for it, she refuses it because she’s come to realize that sort of prosthetic just doesn’t work for her after trying prototypes again and again. She’s already learned how to live her life and navigate the world without an arm and doesn’t want to have to relearn everything, which is a fair choice to make.

There is no correct way to be disabled, and that includes the usage or refusal of certain assistive devices.

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Rage baiting and engagement farming to draw in the viewer numbers “Look i’m just like you!”

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Your original post got deleted and you remade it? Really? Buddy. Please. Get a hobby.


Thing is…I mean…Where the hell is Europe in WoW? I didn’t see it on the map? Neither did I find Africa anywhere.
And the Style doesn’t matter at all. They could make a city with Russian style onion towers on every single building and put only black people in it and say that is our norm for it. You know why? Because this is not Earth. WoW is a fantasy game and if they decide people of all colors live in the same city and did grow up at the same places, etc, then it is lore.

You can’t argue with how something is IRL when it comes to a fantasy game.

In WoW it is not a culture or something. It is just a different color, thats it.

How is a brand new character supposed to instantly come with emotional attachment?

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I don’t dislike her but think she’s rather plain. Also who is she to help Anduin. Yes he’s lost his way a bit but I think this new upstart seems a real reach to help this guy find the light again. Should have been Valen