Faerin should be removed

You just keep denying it’s a contradiction when it is.

Its weird. I have no idea why they picked her out.

agreed. its god awful

Oh boy another Faerin/Arathi thread by the same guy as a previous thread, surely this one will be worth everybody’s time

Boring. Try again.

She’s not teaching him. She’s bringing him back to the light after he went through a horrible ordeal and lost faith.

Does WoW magic turn people into African-Americans?

Wow magic turned giant alien robots into small fleshy creatures.

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First off, not all black people are African Americans.

Second, the curse of flesh. Any human can be any color. WoW humans don’t have pigmentation based on location.


Lol there’s nothing to contradict when their entire 2000 family lineage is not even revealed. Furthermore their last common ancestor would’ve been Thoradin from 2800 years ago who’s notable achievement was to unite the disparate Human tribes. So there’s already a lot of possibilities for inter-marriage and inter-mixing at that point of unification and that’s not even taking into account the Arathi migration, and 2000 years of geographic and cultural separation from the Azerothian Lothar line and the influence of High Elven culture for the New Arathi.

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we were arguing about something else

Because she is. Or more precisely she did something important when they first got tossed into Hallowfall that earned her the respect of the entire expedition. What that is we wont know until the short story book comes out in October.

African American is the politically correct term

How can African-American be the politically correct term for a world where neither Africa or America exist?

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It’s not Racist to hate Racists. Nice try playing victim though. :point_right::point_right:

Okay bigot

You really come off as someone who cares about the lore when you can’t even remember Zul’jin’s name.

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You didn’t see people talking about DEI as a concept this much before a few months ago, I wonder what made that happen


She keeps me safe in follower dungeons, I just wish she did bigger pulls.


It’s the politically correct term for black people in America that are black, whose heritage is African. You wouldn’t call a black person from England, South Africa, Australia, Jamaica, etc. African American.