The humans and elves that started the new Arathi Empire have interbred and mixed so much that they are basically a new race, that is neither human nor elf, but has attributes of both.
I believe players just need to come to terms with who’s now writing the script, things are changing. No longer is it males being the majority writing up characters to appease male gamers but a mix with different perspectives that 80s and 90s gamers aren’t used to.
I think Faerin has been a great character so far, personally; I’m looking forward to seeing more of her.
I’m not a black woman, but a white woman, and I feel like black women overall are so underrepresented, that it was nice to see a main character that was a black woman.
The thing is, even if she had vision in both eyes and had both of her arms, people would still be freaking out about her, and it’s a sad reality.
The OP is incredibly racist, this being their third post on the subject. The fact that Blizz allows this kind of crap on their forums is fairly astounding at this point. At least not everyone in this community is as disgusting as the OP.
They don’t have different perspectives though, they all have the same perspective which is that of a 22 year old left wing American. Which is why it feels so hollow.
We have races with colors of pale white > Caucasian > Black as well as different shades of Blue & Purple, pandas, werewolves and Foxes. Night Elves can be human caucasian to different purple hues. For 1 race, how is that possible? Besides it being fiction
Um maybe we are playing different games but I thought she was awesome.
She’s key to helping Anduin reconnect with the light after all his understandable trauma. Like dude was not ready to jump back into action and is still suffering very bad PTSD, but he’s here because he needs to be.
As for her age lecturing the older general. Guess you don’t remember being and idealistic 20 something? Seeing that old ways aren’t working and trying to do what you know is right?! She’s also not a part of the main military, but if you paid attention you’d have got that.
So someone who had injuries before we met them aren’t valid but someone whose back story we got to experience is? To quote another Warcraft hero “I am my scars” and from everything we learn about Faerin she is going with the same theme. I see no issue with this.
I can dispute your story issues all day, because all of them just show you didn’t pay attention at all. But we all know what this really is OP. You’re not hiding yourself.
So maybe what Warcraft doesn’t need is you and people who think like you, and don’t feign victim you know damn well what I’m talking about.
Azerothian humans are the degenerate offspring of alien robots. There’s no reason for their skin color to be based on the same evolutionary adaptation that real life humans had to go through.
And then you have to go and just be full on racist.