Faerin should be removed

I mean even if we ignore caster weapons with the logic of “it doesn’t need to be practical if I don’t need it to stab someone”, the vast, vast, vast majority of weapons have design faults that would cause them to shatter or otherwise be rendered impractical in a fight, or would have absolutely awful weighting and be near impossible to actually kill someone with.

Plus, most glaives are more of a danger to the user than any enemy.

The best weapon by far in Azeroth should be a basic longsword with a good enchantment on it. Or a gun.

Really the fact that anyone who isn’t a wizard or a sharpshooter is at all a viable combatant in Azeroth requires a far greater suspension of disbelief than Faerin’s arm.

Wasn’t there a fish you could use as a mace at some point?

Ga’nar is 10/10 material
Malfurion destroying the horde in BFA is 10/10 material
Jaina destroying the horde in bfa is 10/10 material
Grommash killing Cenarius and Mannoroth by himself without relic or any cowardice is 10/10 material
Broxigar being the only mortal to wound Sargeras after making countless piles of demon corpses is 10/10 material

Faerin schooling a general how to do things is a 1/10 material, this is a kid 11.yo material

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There’s even a brand new one.

Yep, so beating someone with a fish = fine, not silly at all. Having a shield arm = not fine if you’re dark skinned and female. Got it. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Found the fish mace!


Ya she even explains why in the chat she has with the blacksmith and says to give it others who are in more need.

Faerin needs to die for her opinions on dragons. Xal’atath, too.

She’s never met a dragon that wasn’t trying to kill her, most likely.

she’s racist? what a plot twist lol

Worse, she thinks they’re cool.

You must really hate black women to make this your 3rd post on the subject. So congrats on being a racist misogynist or something.


She thinks dragons are mere beasts. It is disgusting.

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I have a black female coworker. She’s not a gamer at all, not even consoles…but I’ve showed her bits and pieces of the Faerin threads and all she had to say was “Yeah, I’m not a bit surprised.” Everything said in this thread, she’s heard IRL before.


TBF humanoids being on speaking terms with dragons hasn’t really been a thing outside recent events. (Unless you count Nelves and the Green Dragons I guess, but the Arathi would have no idea they exist).

There is nothing fair about thinking dragons are beasts.

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Is Faerin a new addition to WoW or has her character been known for awhile?

We only recently (as in, during WOW’s time) started interacting with dragons. The people from the Arathi Empire have been separated for more than 1200 years. They haven’t interacted with the dragon aspects as we have. The only dragons they probably ever saw were corrupted black dragons, who might as well have been beasts.

She’s new.

They’re basically half-elves at this point

The master species are not beasts. Even corrupted, they are still intelligent creatures, not lowly animals.
The Arathi should be educated, and if they refuse to change their minds, they must face death.