Faerin Lothar is ugly and forgettable

Did warn ya… :stuck_out_tongue:


It indeed is

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It started out in places really


Oh yeah, he wasn’t original, but as far as paladins go he was a good one.

Ion has always struck me as by-the-book and a hardcore corporate simp. Reasons may be complicated but Ion has always had a reputation for walking a strict corporate line that ruffles no feathers other than the ones that wont get him fired.


Canonically it’s been explained as a gradual evolution directed, in part, by the Sunwell. That’s the official explanation and there’s nothing in Lore to suggest the population of Silvermoon is so heavily miscegenated.

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Yeah this is why I said the thread should be locked and delisted earlier.

Because threads like these always devolve into misogynistic, racist territory, because apparently people can’t help themselves.


Unfortunately, a lot of people do.

Sometimes the “fantasy” is being something or any thing other than you are, and for others it’s seeing yourself in another place, setting, with abilities and capabilities you don’t have in real life.

For me personally, representation does nothing for me. It means a lot to other people though I guess. I choose not to gauge my self worth based on how much I am “represented” in media.

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It started out that way, so…


and apparently women hating ala carhagen

Actually. Most stone constructs were actually darker in color (which are what vrykul are pre curse of flesh) there were also some lighter colored constructs but those seemed to be fewer. You can see it with the dwarves for example. So actually…the lore oversight might be lighter skin colors if we’re taking this angle.

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Again, you’re projecting.

Stop that.

No, my words were

I bolded the relevant sections for you. Read the post over and over again until you get it. I’m doing my best to help you out, but you are not a very good student!


I would love to see the CM’s face that has to look at this before deleting it.


It’s GD do you expect different?

I mean, really, it’s the underlying issues that were important for orcs and trolls, it was the demon blood thing that was important for orcs, and as far as I’ve seen the trolls don’t care about the skin color, just the tribes have conflicts with each other.

But go on with your fantasy race science.

Also, in general to the thread, what is it with people with the most bland taste in things getting so uppity when something that’s not some ai generated waifu gets introduced into the game. She’s a normal looking woman, with added badass.


They actually haven’t. Blizzard flipped a switch and a bunch of characters were suddenly black.

Which is fine, but you do need that underpinning reason for why black people exist and the fix is stupidly easy- black vrykuls. Something something crunch, something something time constraints, something something we always intended to do this, black vrykuls existed the whole time.

The, “BUT THIS IS FANTASY GAME, I CAN COMPLETELY DISCONNECT FROM BASIC LOGIC AND REASON BECAUSE DRAGONS AND MAAAAGIC!” as though the presence of Gul’dan means DNA doesn’t exist. But apparently the really simple fix of adding black vrykul into the game to keep things logically consistent based on how humans reproduce is just waaay too much to ask.


I mean, earlier they did the reverse when they got rid of the darker skin tones for some reason.

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You sound extremely bigoted in this post. If you want uniformity of thought, go talk to yourself.

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I’m not saying Trolls care about it, I’m saying that Amani aren’t randomly spawning next to Gurubashi in Stranglethorn Vale.

Good job ignoring the examples of Elves & Dwarves, too!

You mean Lore?

“She’s a regular, normal woman but better :^)”

Hey Akston, this is what I was responding to by the way. Please read this before typing your next disingenuous reply!

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