After seeing this character in the cinematic today all I can say is yikes. Faerin Lothar is by far and I mean BY FAR the absolute most ugliest and forgettable character that has ever entered the Warcraft universe. How the hell do you go from creating amazing characters like Sylvanas, Tyrande, Jaina, Alexstrasza and so many others to this? This is why the vibe of this game keeps dying, among many other things. You keep introducing the most boring and forgettable characters imaginable thinking they’ll resonate with the Warcraft players of today. Characters like this do not get people hyped up or excited for the next expansion. It makes them think the next expansion is probably going to reflect more of this and be bad.
Please stop making these borefest ugly characters and go back to making cool characters again. I know you can do better than this.
Not sure why this post was closed and unlisted. I feel like we should be allowed to criticize parts of the game we don’t like without our posts getting closed and unlisted.
shes so ugly I dont wanna do quests and hang out with her
also her character at least in the beta is just nonsense, she could have an new arm but she dont or whatever (hallowfal quests), pretty mediocre character and carrying LOTHAR’S name is disgusting
Characters and people use pronouns such as “he, she, they.” We don’t call them “it,” unless we’re trying to be disrespectful, ignorant and insulting.
Looks wise, i dont like her hairstyle very much.
Otherwise nothing else stands out.
Character wise, shes fine.
Just your normal wow character. Nothing has stood out about her, but nothing has put me off her.
It still very in the story so she has a lot more space for development coming up.
That’s just standard Blizz actually OP. The character is either going to look really good in the cinematic and crap in game, or really crap in the cinematic and good in game.
Personally, they probably could have done a better job, but ehh.
she could actually have a arm (mechagnome humans lol) but she said she prefer that way bc shes been living with that shield and it helps fighting nerubians but thats it, not even a cool history like kargath who had a weapon too
Be honest and tell me if you think most characters in video games looked like this would gaming be where it is today? I’m sorry but cool character design is a major driving force to how appealing a video game is to people.