Faerin Lothar is ugly and forgettable

Which is fine. The occasional tantrum I am not gonna ignore someone over. We all have bad days. Not gonna judge a person by their worst secluded outbursts.

Its the continuous ones. The repeat offenders. The “throwing a tantrum about everything is my norm”


And obviously way better looking than OP herself.


Think it’s sorta do with the same reasoning that an old man like Isshin from Sekiro, who was on the brink of death was able to kick our butts in one of the endings, because while it made no sense and realistically isn’t possible, it was just cool.

oh my god ion hates himself

“We can’t just open up a position, take the first couple dozen resumes, look through them, and pick someone out of that pile, because we may just get a couple dozen white male resumes.”

as per https://venturebeat.com/games/world-of-warcraft-director-ion-hazzikostas-talks-the-games-future-and-current-soul-searching/


Putting black people in a game merely to “represent” a segment of society, and for no other reason, is idiotic, and insulting to black people. Tokenizing them is racist.

It’s no different than insisting that white people be represented in a game merely because there aren’t any white characters.

The motives of these mega-corporation video game developers is so transparent now that they don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt when it comes to all their attempts at “inclusivity” and “representation”. Neither of those two concepts should have anything to do with the creative process.

It’s all about the motive behind why certain characters are put in a game. If it’s politically driven, it’s a mistake.


Of course she’s ugly and forgettable, she’s a paladin. You might as well complain about Turalyon and Liadrin being boring while you’re at it. The only good paladin is Daddy Uther and that’s why the others had to get him killed.

Orcs? You know, the significant distinctions between Mag’har, Orcs and Fel Orcs? Or the skin color differences in Trolls corresponding to their corner of Azeroth and (“Tides of Darkness”) distinct biological features? Perhaps you need to be reminded that there’s a reason High Elves are fair skinned despite being descended from purple-skinned Night Elves.


Whew. I’ve pulled things out of the back of the fridge that are less putrid than that interview. :nauseated_face:



If you are obese, a cripple, or belong to some marginalized group you arent a real woman!

People just pretend you are!

I would put Arthas in that category too. Pre corruption, anyway. He was a good paladin.

Exactly this! If video game characters were always just a reflection of us they would be boring.


There’s no genetic basis for black people existing in World of Warcraft.

Black people in reality exist because proto-humans spread out across the entire globe and a mixture of in-breeding between pre-human species and geographic isolation eventually gave way to what we see today.

Humans in Azeroth are the descendants of rock Vikings. Those rock people don’t have black people- massive oversight on Blizzard’s part, mind you- ergo it’s really hard to say black people exist in Azeroth. Relatively simple fix but uh… where are the black vrykul? Are the Titans racist? They made black dwarves but not black vrykul? Are they trying to say something?


So, nothing to do with humans and human skin color, just a different point that has other issues (fel influence and tribal differences) So nothing to do with this character’s appearance.


Oh… oh dear…

Thread went places


There doesn’t need to be. This isn’t real life. This is a world of magic and mystery, and ‘black people’ have existed in WoW since 2004, so you’re 20 years late to the party of trying to use this nonsense.


I always thought it was because of our secret liaisons with humans throughout the millennia.

I mean, Azshara certainly didn’t look like that, nor did the other Highborne at the time of their exile.

He was fun, but he wasn’t exactly Mr. Original. “A blond pretty-boy with a huge sword who swears vengeance on the demon who murdered his land”? There must be ten of those in Final Fantasy alone.


“Okay, yes it’s been meaningful for other races, but not Humans!”

Humans in Warcraft are Titanic creations afflicted by the Curse of the Flesh. So are Dwarves. Dwarves are distinguished from one another by skin color as well.

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I guess an outhouse is technically a place.


Man yall just getting bold here on the forums today eh?