Faerin - i fear for her

So, we’re just going to pretend BfA and SL didn’t happen, then?

Well if we are going to pretend that people have not been calling Jaina a Mary Sue for years then yes?

And I like Jaina.

naaaa she ain’t going anywhere. She may lose some more parts, but she isn’t fully going away.

If anything happens to her she’ll just show up in another game or movie somewhere. After all before being a Lamplighter in Hallowfall she was Corporal Birdie in Starship Troopers until a tank bug burned her arm off.

These things have to come to pass though, after all were it not for her replacement there Johnny Rico would never have become Corporal of the Roughnecks and eventually Lieutenant

Sure. No doubt but does that mean we cannot create new characters.

You are upset because we do not have a superhero ?

You can’t be serious man.

She is a walking mouthpiece of how it’s important to “move forward even when times are hard because things will get better” while simultaneously refusing to move forward with her own struggles, yet we’re supposed to treat what she’s saying seriously as she refuses to act accordingly. Nevertheless she uses her position to speak down to others for struggling to do things she refuses to do herself, in a way one might admonish a child as though it is simply matter of fact.

She “ruins the story” by being a hypocrite pretending to be a good character, a self-insert mouthpiece of whatever writer made this npc and I hope we see less of her in the future.

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They won’t. But she’s gonna be Yrel 2. Forgotten in the past.

If only they actually bothered to add her as a proper fresh character and have her develop next to the player instead of dishing her out perfect in every way.

Plus I suspect the new writing team will try to move away from the stuff the previous one did. Just a guess.

Sylvanas has been in WoW’s mmo for 20 years, and part of WoW’s story for even longer. What happened in BFA and SL was the result of bad writing. Sylvanas as a character was already very well established over the years. She is also one of the most cosplayed characters of the game, and probably has the most fanart of all the characters.

They absolutely can create new characters. It doesn’t mean they will be good characters and it certainly doesn’t mean the should be immune to criticism. SL had amazing new characters. Denathrius was very well received.

Literally the game just started… This is what we term as “jumping the conclusions”


I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter whether a new character is presented as “developed” or “developing”. People have decided this is the topic they will latch on to for their mandatory complaining.

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If anyone ever forgot how awful this community got when they introduced brown skinned elves, here’s a good reminder.

If Faerin was a battle hardened white male amputee with a shield for an arm and enough hope to inspire an army, instead of a battle hardened black female amputee with a shield for an arm and enough hope to inspire an army, people would be tripping over themselves to talk about what a great character this is.

Imagine thinking Faerin is awesome because of their attitude in spite of their challenges, and not throwing all that out if [diversity detected = true].


Matters to me. I don’t care about the rest of the people.

I don’t much like having characters thrown in our faces and the only option is to love them, anything less than that is not acceptable and if you dare voice your lack of total love for it, you’ll get called all sorts of things.

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It all depends on what ball the dolphins pick.

They did this is Shadowlands and people still hated Pelagos. And people still dump on Anduin for not being perfect in every way.


I mean the game feels better than it has in several years, the story was compelling, the zones are awesome… :person_shrugging:

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They did it much earlier with Yrel if you recall. She didn’t catch on and she was miles above the one armed pixie girl we got. But back then we still had writers who tried to sell you a character. Now, we have the types who will call you racist for not liking their character.

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What are you even taking about? Throwing a character in your face? “Forcing” you to like them?

Nobody is forcing you to do anything. If this character is thrown in your face, then so are all the new Earthen characters. Or the Nerubians.

But there aren’t any threads about them, for some reason.


Nah, I hated Yrel and I wish I had left her as a slave to die. But everyone has opinions and characters they don’t like. Some people don’t like Faerin’s character because it is a black female character. That may not be your reason but it is for a good number of people.

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I didn’t say forcing. I said criticism is no tolerated as far as that character is concerned. And there are plenty of threads criticizing the earthen, but nobody cares when those are criticized.

I’m sure there are. Because that’s what she appears to be, a black character, a black disabled character. Not much else is given and it’s one of the reasons I dislike her.

Thing is she could have been the next General Warfield from Starcraft, if you are familiar with the character, there was no bigger badass in that game than Warfield. But that’s because they made the character likable, they showed him progress through the story, even if he was a secondary character. They didn’t just throw him on the screen with a tag attached to him - This is General Warfield - He is a badass cause we say so.