Faerin - i fear for her

She is Battle hardned.

She has 1 arm, she lost an eye. she has scars, she is such a warrior of the light.

Fine? Hell, she will probably be the Queen (or woman King I suppose) of the Arathi empire before Blizz gets done. She checks way too many boxes for Blizz to write her off.

I worry about that shield falling and hitting her toe. If that sounds like a shot at her disability, it is not, it’s a shot at the art team for not creating some sort of mechanism to hold the shield to her armor or a holy arm to hold the shield…seriously, it looks dumb atm, like it’s been super glued to her shoulder plate.

What about her last name though? Isn’t she THE EMPIRE?

Honestly, my guess is after they deal with the threat of TWW, Anduin will want to invite her to go back to Stormwind and help their cause but she’ll say she needs to go lead her people or whatever and that is that.

Her shield is well intact. She literally ranks rares who have 29 million hp with that shield.

Also that shield is designed by a master engineer in Meraldar. Who is somewhat like a female edition of Tony Stark.

I think the best thing they could do for this character is to get rid of them. This character looks like DLC for concord.

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Out of place based on what, exactly?

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Just as we all know why you want to kill her off :roll_eyes:

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The entire game. They make characters like Illidan, Jaina, Sylvanas and the Lich King then expect us to like a character like faerin? Give me a break.

Who’s Aundin?

Please elaborate as to why Faerin is out of place.

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Faerin, is a character that most can relate too.

Her parents never wanted her to get into the military. Most can relate that we have somehow in sort of a way disappointed someone.

Tell me one thing you can relate yourself with to Illidan, Jaina and sylvannas ?


Yeah you’re going to have to explain what the heck you’re taking about, specifically.

I’m trying to give the benefit of the doubt here that you actually have an articulable reason for thinking this specific character doesnt fit.


The odds of them killing her off are very slim. Faerin isn’t a “superhero” type character, she’s just an ordinary person who is taking up arms to fight for her people the best she can. I personally find her very relatable.



She’s ugly. She’s boring. She sounds like she belongs in Ardenweald as a fairy quest giver.

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Curious how she “ruins” thhe story. Please elaborate.

She’s not qwhite what they want.


This is a troll post. This is not a character that most can relate to. I have seen a lot of negative feedback about this character. In fact most of what I have seen about this character so far has been negative. Faerin is by far the most forgettable character they have ever made.

Everyone likes Illidan, Jaina and Sylvanas. These are insanely popular characters, which is why expansions have been marketed around them. Relating to a character has nothing to do with how popular they will be to a wide and diverse audience. But if you think that matters, all 3 of the characters you mentioned resonate with millions of people. If they didn’t, no one would like them. If Jaina had faerin’s haircut, missing and eye and an arm, voice and personality she would be nowhere near as popular as she is today.

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Yeah but Rastakhan was a dude…

If you have an innie, you are going to become SUPER important and powerful and absolutely WON’T die

If you have an outie, you are going to die, be ignored, or written off into obscurity

Yes, I am using those childish words because lord knows the forum police will ban me otherwise.